Harm's Way

Harm's Way is an adventure module found within The Kathol Rift setting, which itself forms a portion of The DarkStryder Campaign. The events of this adventure take place in the year 8 ABY.

Adventure Breakdown

  • First Episode: Savage Hunger
  • Second Episode: Welcome, Welcome
  • Third Episode: The Wards
  • Fourth Episode: Prison Riot!
  • Fifth Episode: End Game


Almost immediately after the FarStar enters the region known as the Kathol Rift, the crew finds that their provisions are beginning to rot and become inedible. This spoilage is traced back to a common bacteria found in the Kathol Outback; normally benign, it undergoes a transformation when exposed to the unique energies present within the Rift.

The crew makes a stop at the world of Q'Maere, where they come across a scientific installation managed by the Doctor Langstyn Kraay. Unbeknownst to them, this research station is actually a concealed detention center for the Moff Kentor Sarne, and the FarStar's away team is captured and held against their will.

Working together with the inmates of the prison, the FarStar personnel orchestrate a full-scale uprising, ultimately seizing control of the entire complex. They manage to find a cure for the bacteria mutation affecting their food, replenish their supplies, and resume their pursuit of Sarne.

