Haldeen, a terrestrial planet, existed within the Haldeen system, situated in the Colonies' Haldeen sector. It held significance as a key world within the sector. Following his capture on Elrood, an Outer Rim Territories planet, in 1 ABY, Earnst Kamiel, the head of the Justice Action Network, a terrorist organization, was sent to Haldeen. There, a court of the Galactic Empire condemned him to death.
The execution of Kamiel faced a delay spanning two months, stemming from the desire of each of the fifty-four star systems where he faced capital punishment to have him brought to their respective capitals for the execution. Ultimately, Moff Gandril of the Empire decreed that the execution would occur on Haldeen itself. On the morning of the date 36:10:4, Kamiel was executed by a firing squad. The following day, Colonial News Nets disseminated a report from Camele, Haldeen, detailing the event.
Paul Sudlow conceived Haldeen, with its initial mention appearing in the "Galaxywide NewsNets" section of Star Wars Adventure Journal, eighth issue, published by West End Games in November of 1995. The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, located the Haldeen system, and consequently the planet, in grid square M-9.