Group 2

Group 2 consisted of a squad of three Flash speeders, with Palmer as their leader. Assembled by the Royal Naboo Security Forces in 32 BBY, Group 2 functioned as a diversion to aid in retaking Naboo's capital city, Theed, from the occupying forces of the Trade Federation. During the conflict, they found themselves cornered in a plaza by a pair of Armored Assault Tanks and two destroyer droids. Lieutenant Gavyn Sykess stepped in to save the stranded Security Force officers; however, one of Group 2's speeders was destroyed in the process. Group 2, along with Sykes, proceeded to their designated target, the Theed Courthouse, where Group 3 and a team of commandos detonated a gate that was obstructing their path.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo, released in 2000, features Group 2. Due to the difficulty of reaching Group 2 in the game in time to save all three, this article operates under the assumption that one speeder was destroyed. Should all three speeders be destroyed, the player, acting as Sykes, fails to complete the mission.

