Grell Panib

Grell Panib was a male human who held the rank of general in the Bakuran Defense Fleet throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War.


Born on Heffrin in a mining settlement around 19 BBY, Grell Panib experienced a youth marked by frequent brawls and general unrest. His repeated clashes with the law eventually led to his conscription into the Imperial Army. Despite his capabilities as a soldier, he struggled to manage his anger, nearly resulting in his expulsion from the service on two occasions for assaulting an officer. After two years defined by constant fighting, he was reassigned to Bakura where he served under Commander Pter Thanas. Thanas recognized Panib's potential and dedicated three years to training him, guiding his propensity for fighting towards more constructive avenues. This culminated in Panib becoming the unarmed combat champion on Bakura by 4 ABY. Following the Battle on Bakura, his commander Thanas defected to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and Panib joined him, contributing to the development of Bakura's defense forces.

In the wake of the attempted Ssi-ruuvi invasion of Bakura in 28 ABY during the [Yuuzhan Vong War](/article/yuuzhan_vong_war], Panib assumed control of Bakura after the abduction of Prime Minister Molierre Cundertol. He instituted martial law pending Cundertol's return, and was compelled to maintain his emergency powers when it came to light that Cundertol and Deputy Prime Minister Blaine Harris were undermining efforts to align with the Keeramak. With the threat posed by Cundertol and Harris neutralized, Panib and Lwothin, the leader of the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement, formalized a treaty and established an alliance. Panib dispatched Bakuran vessels to Lwhekk to assist in the liberation of the P'w'eck.

Personality and traits

Panib possessed a volatile temper, frequently resorting to physical altercations when provoked. Lacking in social refinement, he extended courtesy primarily to his commanding officer, Thanas.

