Great Rim Route

The Great Rim Route represented a hyperlane that traversed the Hapan Rim Worlds, the Corsair Outback, and the Rifle Worlds regions of the Hapes Cluster. Commencing at the Rynmar system, it progressed through a series of star systems: the Zalori system, Terephon system, Reboam system, Dreena system, Calfa system, and K'Farri system. After the K'Farri system, its path led onward through the Nantuker system, Stalsinek system, Jodaka system, and Divora system. Ultimately, this hyperspace route concluded its journey following the Wodan system, a branching point towards the Algnadesh system, culminating in a final hyperspace jump to the Relephon system.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)

Notes and references
