Great Agash sector

The Great Agash sector represented a specific sector situated inside the Expansion Region of the galaxy. This sector shared a border on its Coreward side with the Inner Rim, and when proceeding in a clockwise direction, it also neighbored the Itopol, Chitarghar, Trans-Jardeen, Extorin, and Thand sectors. Notably, no significant hyperspace routes traversed this sector. By 25 BBY, the space encompassed by the sector was regarded as thoroughly explored, and during the era of the Clone Wars, it existed within territory that was not formally aligned with any major power. Around 25 ABY, the average population density of a typical star system within the sector was recorded to be below one million individuals. It was the location of the Agash system, which itself was the home of Ergeshui, the marshy homeworld of the sentient Ergesh species.


  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
