Grace's Story: A Rewritten Narrative
Born around 32 ABY, Grace, a female Human, was the progeny of Hunter and Alpha, two Force-imbued clones. These clones originated from a secret Galactic Empire project overseen by Grand Admiral Thrawn, taking place on a desolate frozen moon within the uncharted Unknown Regions. Grace, along with her parents and nine other clones – the self-proclaimed Community – lived in seclusion. All clones, with the exception of Soldier, suffered from a deadly sickness passed down to their children, including Grace. In 41 ABY, the Community's escape from the moon through a Lignan cloud – a potent ore amplifying the dark side of the Force – drastically worsened the sickness's symptoms.
Seeking a cure, the Community journeyed to the planet Fhost. There, Soldier, carrying the unconscious Grace, infiltrated a medical center and commandeered a medical supply ship. Their destination was Mother, a Rakatan deity revered by the Community. During their voyage, the ship fell under attack by Umbaran assassin Nyss Nenn, an agent of the One Sith. Nenn murdered Grace's mother and the clone Runner. Undeterred, the remaining clones piloted their captured vessel to a distant star system, hoping to find Mother. Upon arrival, Mother possessed the body of the clone Seer, attempting to eliminate Grace and Soldier. After Jedi Knight Jaden Korr eliminated Nenn, Grace and Soldier fled the system aboard the Umbaran's starship, embarking on a search for a new sanctuary.
Around 32 ABY, a female Human named Grace entered the world, daughter to Alpha and Hunter, two Force-adept clones. These clones were secretly created by the Galactic Empire under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Doctors bred Alpha and Hunter within an Imperial research facility situated on a frozen moon in the Unknown Regions. There, they and other clones, known collectively as the Community, killed the doctors and seized control of the facility. The clones were plagued by a sickness that contributed to clone madness and would prove fatal without the medicine Metacycline. When Hunter birthed Grace and her sister Blessing, she passed the sickness to her daughters, who experienced its effects more severely than the clones.
For several years, the Community bided their time on the frozen moon, hoping to commandeer a starship to reach Mother, an entity who communicated through the clone Seer. In 41 ABY, their wish was granted when Jedi Knight Jaden Korr arrived on the moon after an encounter with the Sith dreadnaught Harbinger. Korr landed on the moon, pursued by One Sith agent Kell Douro. Discovering the clones, Korr fought Alpha, ultimately killing him. Korr's companion, the spacer Khedryn Faal, later killed Douro. The Community then used Douro's CloakShape fighter Predator to escape the moon. Within the moon's atmosphere, the fighter passed through a cloud of Lignan ore created by the destruction of the Harbinger. This ore amplified the Force-sensitive Community members' connection to the dark side of the Force, but also intensified the sickness. As the Community writhed in agony, Soldier, a clone of Jaden Korr immune to the sickness, injected Grace and the others with Metacycline. He then suggested a course for the planet Fhost, hoping to acquire more Metacycline ingredients. During the journey, Blessing and Gift, another child of the Community's clones, succumbed to the sickness. Grace and her mother survived, but were unconscious. After injecting Grace with adrenaline, Soldier, Seer, and Runner traveled to Fhost's capital city, Farpoint, in a landspeeder, bringing the unconscious Grace and Hunter. The Community went to the Farpoint Medical Center, and after a confrontation with Jaden Korr, hijacked a supply ship and took Korr's companion Faal hostage after knocking him unconscious.
Grace responded well to Soldier's medication, regaining consciousness aboard the supply ship. Faal awoke in the ship's cockpit and met Grace. She smiled at him, and he stuck his tongue out, making her giggle. Despite her unusual upbringing, Faal thought she acted like any little girl in the galaxy. The clones interrogated him, and then decided to kill him. Runner took him to the airlock, but was killed by the Umbaran Nyss Nenn, who had boarded the ship. Nenn spared Faal, intending to trade him for Korr, and used flexcuffs to restrain him. Grace, who had slipped away from the cockpit, found Faal and helped free him with a knife. She fled as the Metacycline wore off, and the sickness worsened, distorting her features. Faal considered escaping in a escape pod, but decided to help Grace.
Hunter regained consciousness and searched for Grace, but encountered Nenn, who killed her with his crossbow. Nenn went to the cockpit to capture Soldier. As he waited outside, Grace spotted him and screamed, alerting the clones. Nenn tried to throw a vibroblade at her, but she ran away. As Soldier fought Nenn, Grace ran to a turbolift and went to the floor where she had found Faal. Faal, waiting at the lift, nearly attacked Grace when she emerged, but instead comforted her as she told him what was happening.
Despite her shyness, the red-haired Grace could be outgoing, even with strangers. When Khedryn Fall was taken aboard the Community's ship, Grace immediately interacted with him, smiling and giggling. Faal remarked that she behaved like any little girl. She was kind to everyone; although Soldier was often mistreated, Grace was loving toward him, and Soldier cared for her and the other children. Grace's kindness extended to Faal, and she expressed happiness that Runner had not harmed him. Despite being frightened when Faal nearly attacked her, she remained kind and giggled at his jokes.
The Community clones were introduced in Crosscurrent, a 2010 novel by Paul S. Kemp. Jaden Korr mentions that the clones may have offspring, which was confirmed in Crosscurrent's 2011 sequel, Riptide, where Grace first appears.