
Gorath functioned as a cruiser within the Grand Imperial Navy under the command of Warlord Foga Brill, who also held the position of Governor for Prakith.


Identified by New Republic individuals as a modified version of the Strike-class medium cruiser, the Gorath was classified as a light cruiser while serving Prakith, measuring under 300 meters. It was equipped with eight main turbolaser batteries. Furthermore, the Gorath had a minimum of five breaching pods onboard, each capable of transporting a squad of soldiers for boarding operations.


During 17 ABY, the sensor master aboard the patrol destroyer Tobay, a relatively new ship at the time, regarded the Gorath as being a notably more modern vessel. Captain Voba Dokrett was in command of the ship. The Gorath met its end when it attacked the Teljkon Vagabond, where it was transformed into a derelict by the older ship's unique weapons, resulting in the deaths of the majority of its crew.

Behind the scenes

Gorath also served as the designation for a server—referred to as a "Galaxy"—within the game Star Wars Galaxies.

The name could originate from the 1962 Japanese sci-fi movie, Gorath.

