Gone with a Trace

The fifth episode of _Star Wars: The Clone Wars's seventh and final season is called "Gone with a Trace". The final episode of the Sixth season, "Sacrifice," comes before this episode in the chronological order of events.

Official description

While attempting to prevent a hazardous droid from causing harm, Ahsoka becomes friends with a pilot and is forced to conceal the details of her past as a Jedi.

Plot summary


Ahsoka Tano pilots a Joben T-85 speeder bike over the Works area of Coruscant. The speeder bike malfunctions as it descends into an underworld portal, causing Ahsoka to cling to it for her life as it flips over and continues upside down. In an effort to pick up speed, Ahsoka irritates a few other drivers by running on top of their vehicles as she passes, but the bike swings out into the middle of the passage and veers toward a collision with a Gozanti-class cruiser. She is successful in avoiding a collision by throttling the bike's accelerator, which flips it over and allows her to regain her seat, but the cruiser's communications dish is knocked off in the process. Ahsoka pauses for a moment to catch her breath, believing the worst is behind her, but the bike malfunctions once more, sending her hurtling into the depths of the Coruscant Underworld.

A new friend

Ahsoka regains control in the air and makes a crash landing on the edge of a platform. She barely avoids falling over the edge and manages to pull her bike up. A human woman named Trace Martez approaches Ahsoka and informs her that her bike is a total loss. When Tano complains about the damage to the repulsor and compressor, Trace observes that Tano is knowledgeable about engines and introduces herself.

Ahsoka Tano meets Trace Martez

She informs Ahsoka that she is fortunate to have crashed near one of the best repair shops on Level 1313. Trace, a mechanic, offers to repair Tano's bike for a fee. Tano would rather fix her bike herself, but Trace points out that the tools will still cost her money. Tano claims she doesn't have enough credits, but Trace feels sorry for her. Trace leads her into her shipyard, which houses a Nebula-class freighter that she is modifying. Trace allows Tano some space to repair her speeder bike. Tano is taken aback by Trace's generosity and hospitality.

Tano begins working on her speeder bike, rejecting Trace's offer to fix it for her. Trace informs Tano that everything here has a price and that she should get used to it. Tano inquires about selling a sparker. Trace informs her that she has already used all of her sparkers on her starship. Ahsoka tells Trace that she needs to leave Coruscant. When Trace asks if she is in trouble, Tano questions her own decision to leave the Jedi Order before walking away. Trace gives in and allows Ahsoka to stay as long as she wants, as long as she can pay her. She wonders why Tano is upset.

Helping a friend

Tano walks to the edge and watches a Republic freighter ascend into the skies of Coruscant. She later returns to Trace's garage, where Trace has decided to repair her bike for free. Ahsoka observes that she is from a different place. When Trace inquires, Tano conceals her Jedi background and replies that she is from the upper levels of Coruscant. Trace believes Tano is better off down here because the Jedi are fighting a war and controlling everything. Tano replies that the Jedi did not initiate the Clone Wars and are attempting to stop it.

Trace claims the Jedi have forgotten about them and are not what she believed them to be as a child. Because Coruscant is unsafe, Trace and her sister Rafa Martez have purchased a starship and intend to earn a living in the stars. She desires to escape the Jedi and the Clone Wars.

Pintu, an alien, and two towering alien thugs visit Trace's garage, seeking to collect Rafa's debts. Pintu advises Ahsoka not to interfere and to allow her to handle it. Trace informs Pintu that Rafa had gone to see her. Pintu demands that Trace pay their debts. Ahsoka instructs Pintu to back off, but both Pintu and Trace tell her to stay out of it. As Pintu and his thugs corner Trace against a table, she grabs a pole and attacks the enforcers. She defeats them, but one of the thugs grabs her while the other attempts to punch her.

Trace kicks the second thug against a cupboard. She swings a bag at the first thug, but the towering aliens pin her to the table. Trace pleads with Ahsoka for assistance before fighting the thugs. Before one of the thugs can punch Trace in the face, Ahsoka catches her fist and defeats the guards in combat. She orders Pintu and his enforcers to leave. Pintu warns them to tell Rafa that this fight is far from over.

When Trace inquires as to where Tano learned to fight like that, Tano claims that her older brother taught her. Trace wishes to learn from Ahsoka. The two then depart to inform Rafa about the incident.

A rough living

Later, Trace and Ahsoka discover Rafa attempting to steal from several customers' laundry at her laundromat. When Rafa inquires about the bruises on Trace's face, her sister informs her that Pintu came to collect his debts. Rafa states that she intends to repay Pintu and that she has a significant job that will see them through. Trace inquires as to whether it is legal, but Rafa reminds her that they cannot rely on anyone and can only rely on themselves.

Rafa takes an interest in Ahsoka, who introduces herself. Trace introduces her sister and recounts how Ahsoka landed on the mech bay platform. Ahsoka informs Rafa that she is from topside. Trace is unhappy that Rafa has become entangled with Pintu, but Rafa claims she requires funds for their garage and repairs. Trace is concerned about Pintu's attack. Rafa assures her sister that it will not happen again, but Trace responds that she can only take so many punches to the head.

Lokann, a blue Twi'lek man, visits them and informs Rafa that he requires three droids to be built. His business partner brokered a deal with Rafa Martez. Rafa claims that the locker room is a secret droid factory. The Twi'lek man adds that his business partner claims Rafa builds droids better than anyone else. Rafa agrees and instructs him to bring him around back. Rafa enlists Trace's assistance in constructing some droids.

Dangerous droids

Trace and Ahsoka are later working on the construction of three binary loadlifters. Trace admits that it has been a while since she built a droid, but believes it is not too difficult. Ahsoka reminds Trace to attach a restraining bolt to the droid before starting the power cycle. When Trace asks why she is concerned, Ahsoka explains that she has had several "run-ins" with droids. While the majority are fine, Tano claims that some are cross-wired from the start and that this is not an astromech.

Trace believes Ahsoka is knowledgeable, but Tano responds that she still does not understand people. Trace responds that some people are good, some are bad, and others are cross-wired like this binary load lifter. Suddenly, one of the droids goes rogue and attempts to attack Tano. Ahsoka disables the droid with a remote control.

She informs Trace that Type two binary load lifters are repurposed demolition droids that are prone to violence. Trace claims they have installed restraining bolts on the droid. However, a second droid breaks free before they can install the restraining bolt. Meanwhile, Rafa is walking down the street when she notices several tookas running down the street. Rafa then notices the second binary load lifter running amok through the streets. Trace and Ahsoka pursue the droid. Rafa is disappointed that her plans have gone awry.

They pursue the droid onto a bridge, but it jumps off the bridge and into the streets of Level 1313, scattering several civilians. The repurposed demolition droid goes on a rampage, destroying vehicles and damaging property. Trace instructs Ahsoka to return to Rafa's garage and retrieve the droid's tracking device. She informs Ahsoka that she will obtain a speeder. Ahsoka returns to the garage, retrieves the tracking device, and departs with Trace, who has obtained a speeder. Rafa is disappointed that their droid-building venture has failed.

Trace and Ahsoka catch up with the demolition droid in the streets; it leaps over their speeder and runs down an alley. As they pursue the droid, Ahsoka informs Trace that the "off" switch is located on the droid's face. Trace attempts to trap the droid using the speeder's forklift. Following a chase, she manages to pin down the demolition droid, but they are unable to stop the powerful droid. Ahsoka persuades Trace to release the fork and stop the droid.

Trace climbs onto the droid's chassis and attempts to turn off the droid's button. She witches the droid off before it can harass a child and a woman. However, the droid falls off the edge. Ahsoka is able to attach the speeder's crane to the droid. Because the droid is too heavy, Ahsoka uses her Force abilities to lift the speeder, Trace, and the deactivated droid. Trace is optimistic and believes they will get through it.

Rafa's aspirations

Rafa refuses to dismantle the binary load lifters back at her garage because she has a deal with the Twi'lek gentleman. Ahsoka disagrees, claiming that the droids can harm people. Rafa counters that the rogue droid lacked a restraining bolt and inquires as to whether Trace placed restraining bolts on all three droids. Trace confirms that she has, but wonders what will happen if one comes off. Tano protests, but Rafa counters that she is new to the area.

Rafa convinces Trace that she will do the right thing and promises to meet her at the wharf. Trace advises her to be smart. Trace and Tano proceed to a food court. When Ahsoka inquires as to whether she has a say with her older sister, Trace responds that Rafa is older and is attempting to improve things for them. Ahsoka inquires about the cost. Rafa returns at that moment and informs Trace and Ahsoka that she charged the Twi'lek double.

Ahsoka is taken aback that Rafa returned them, but Rafa responds that the droids were not hers to keep. She reasons that if she does not build them, someone else will. Trace is upset, but Rafa claims she used the money to pay off their debts to Pintu. Rafa claims they have enough credits to purchase new tools and hopes to accumulate more. Ahsoka decides to leave early to repair her speeder. Before leaving, Trace expresses her gratitude to Ahsoka for saving her. Trace then departs with Ahsoka to assist her with her repairs.


Nyx Okami, the character who originally filled the Martez sisters' role

Production on a four-episode arc with production codes 6.05–6.08, titled "Ahsoka's Walkabout," began in 2012 as part of the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The arc was intended to follow Ahsoka Tano following her decision to leave the Jedi Order. This arc was intended to depict some of her early adventures in the underworld, where she met a scoundrel named Nyx Okami with whom she formed a close bond. Ahsoka's character was challenged when she became involved with the underworld and the Pyke Syndicate, but she had to resist her Jedi teachings for her own safety.

During the "Ahsoka's Untold Tales" panel at Celebration Europe in 2016, scenes from the "Ahsoka's Walkabout" arc were shown in story reel form, with Dave Filoni discussing some of his plans for the arc. On March 20, 2020, a completed version of the episode aired on Disney+ as part of The Clone Wars revival. However, among other changes, the Nyx Okami character was replaced by the sisters Trace and Rafa Martez, who took over his role as the one who owed money to Pintu Son-El.


