Rafa's Laundry, a legitimate enterprise, operated on the planet Coruscant, specifically within the underworld's Level 1313 district. This establishment provided services such as washing, dry cleaning, folding, and drop-off options, and it maintained a 24-hour a day operational schedule. The signage, displayed in a mirror-inverted fashion, communicated the business's location and hours of operation, and also made reference to a service known as "kaashmi clean." Rafa Martez owned the laundromat during the Clone Wars, the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance; she had acquired it via gambling. The purpose of the laundromat was to improve the appearance of the inhabitants of Coruscant's Underworld. Nevertheless, Martez also used the location as a cover for her illicit activities, for instance, those involving the Twi'lek named Lokann.
Within Rafa's Laundry, amongst the Aurebesh signs, one reads "CALRISSIAN FR[obscured]" – "SO FRESH SO [obscured]." This appears to be a subtle reference to Lando Calrissian (who, similarly to Rafa Martez, is involved in gambling). Additionally, a sticker affixed to one of the washing machines reads "LANDOMAT," which seems to be a play on words combining "Lando" and "laundromat."