During the Galactic Civil War, Gir Endac was a male Human hailing from Mexeluine. He served within the ranks of the Bespin Wing Guard. In 3 ABY, Endac was stationed in Cloud City along with other Wing Guardsmen just before the Occupation of Bespin. Having received a covert message from Calrissian through Lobot, Endac, together with Wing Guardsmen Corman Jeihn, Pedar Solardo, Helder Spinoza, Bialar Selis, and Razell Tameron, ambushed an Imperial squad. This squad, under the command of Lieutenant Sheckil, was in the process of transporting Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO to Vader's shuttle.
Endac once aided Samara Kebyc, an accountant, in her pursuit of corrupt individuals operating within the Cloud City Miner's Guild. When on duty, he was armed with a blaster pistol, a baton, and magnacuffs.
This character, initially without a name, made his debut in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back released in 1980. In 2001, he was given his own action figure; however, the photograph of the character used on the packaging was significantly altered to more accurately reflect the appearance of the toy.