Gerrard V Rebels

The Gerrard V Rebels group took shape, in part, from elements of the Gerrard V military, incorporating both soldiers on the ground and starships. They initiated an uprising on Gerrard V in 0 BBY, taking control of Harazod, the planet's capital city. A retaliatory attack by the Imperial forces obliterated the rebel fleet in orbit around Gerrard V, compelling the Rebels to fall back to the capitol building. General Camon Udeon, who was the commander of the Rebels, rejected the conditions for surrender. This forced Admiral Jion Trynn of the Empire to commence orbital bombardment of the urban core of Harazod. Admiral Trynn suspected a connection between the Rebels and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, however, with no Udeon or local commanders available for questioning, he lacked confirmation.

