GAT-12 Skipray blastboat
The GAT Blastboat series, a product of Sienar Fleet Systems, functioned as the Galactic Empire's standard gunship for both patrol duties and direct combat engagements. These blastboats possessed the necessary speed and maneuverability to effectively engage most enemy vessels, while also boasting sufficient armament and armor to both inflict damage and withstand incoming fire. These blastboats could function in both space and within a planet's atmosphere. Notably, the GAT Blastboat was the smallest Imperial Navy starship equipped with a hyperdrive, allowing for deployment across an entire sector in anticipation of potential combat.
Several different versions of the GAT Blastboat were manufactured, which included specialized builds tailored for providing support on the ground, or for acting as missile platforms. The GAT-12h "Skipray" stood out as the most favored of these variations.
The 12h achieved considerable market success, leading to the release of improved GAT-12 models over time, with the GAT-12i and GAT-12j being the most well known of these iterations.
The Skipray 24r Blastboat was a subsequent addition to the series.
- Imperial Sourcebook (Initial mention)
- Death Star Technical Companion (referred to as blastboat)
- Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
- Death Star Technical Companion, Second Edition
- Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition
- The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- Pirates & Privateers
- Skipray blastboat in the Databank (This content is now considered outdated; backup link provided)
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