Galus Vez

Galus Vez, a Besalisk dealing in starship components, was the proprietor of the space outpost known as Osisis Station during the Galactic Empire's era. While he frequently collaborated with a rebel group hailing from the planet Lothal, the increase in Imperial inspections at his facility led him to sever ties. When the group next visited his station, Vez declined to provide the parts they sought. Instead, he proposed a race to the pilot, Hera Syndulla, on his personal track, Fool's Run.

Vez pledged to relinquish the parts if Syndulla emerged victorious. Conversely, should he win, he would claim the rebels' ship. Syndulla accepted the challenge and triumphed, prompting the Besalisk to renege on his agreement and attempt to apprehend the rebels. Anticipating this betrayal, the rebels detonated explosives on one of Vez's cargo vessels and exploited the resulting chaos to disarm him and subdue his men, compelling the Besalisk to surrender the necessary components.


Age of the Empire

Trouble with the Empire

Galus Vez worked regularly with the rebels of Lothal.

During the time of the Galactic Empire's rule, Galus Vez was the owner of Osisis Station, a space facility situated in the Regani sector that served as a haven for local criminals. Vez discreetly acquired starship parts and sold them to visitors at his station. Countless individuals also competed against Vez on his private racing circuit, Fool's Run, which navigated the asteroids comprising the rings of a nearby planet. Despite sometimes using hidden asteroid thrusters to manipulate asteroids into his opponents' paths, Vez consistently won. One frequent client was a rebel cell operating on Lothal, with whom he maintained a prolonged relationship.

In 5 BBY, Imperial inspections of Osisis Station doubled following a visit from the Lothal rebels. Each time the Imperials arrived, Vez had to ensure that no traces of the rebels remained on the station to avoid suspicion. Unaware of the trouble they were causing Vez, the rebels made another trip to Osisis Station following a raid on an Imperial supply yard, during which their ship, the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost, suffered damage. Hoping to buy parts from Vez, the rebels found the doors aboard the station left open, which was unusual for Vez, but continued with the meeting and provided their host with a list of what they needed.

Vez greeted the group but refused their request, informing the rebels of the increased Imperial patrols. He considered handing the group over to the Empire, before thinking better of it and challenging the rebels' pilot, Hera Syndulla, to a race around Fool's Run. If the rebels won, Vez would hand over the supplies, but should he win, the Besalisk would keep the Ghost and the rebels would lose everything. Syndulla accepted, much to the surprise of the rest of her crew, but stipulated that no weaponry was to be used, terms to which Vez agreed.

Race with the rebels

Galus Vez raced and lost against the Ghost on Fool's Run.

Vez entered the race in his starship, the Splendour, while Syndulla piloted the Ghost alone with the astromech droid C1-10P. Though Vez initially led, Syndulla overtook him with skillful maneuvers. To regain the lead, Vez activated his asteroid thrusters, causing a large rock to collide with the Ghost and damage its stabilizers. Observing the use of the asteroid thrusters from Osisis Station, Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger—Syndulla's crew members—used the Force to manipulate asteroids toward Vez's ship. After C1-10P boosted the Ghost's engines, Syndulla piloted the damaged ship past the Splendour to claim victory.

Upon returning to the station, Vez broke his promise and ordered his men to attack the rebels, intending to surrender them to the Imperials. However, an explosion disrupted the Besalisk, allowing Jarrus to disarm Vez while the other rebels neutralized his men. Now in control, the rebels forced Vez to provide the necessary parts and watched their escape. After the Ghost departed, Vez destroyed all footage and evidence of the group's visit to prevent the Imperials from discovering anything during their next inspection. Unbeknownst to Vez, Sabine Wren—another rebel—had painted the group's starbird symbol on the station's exterior before leaving.

Personality and traits

Despite his extended business dealings with the Lothal rebels, Galus Vez was unwilling to continue their relationship due to increased Imperial scrutiny of his station. However, because of their shared history, Vez opted not to betray the rebels to the Empire, provided they accepted his racing challenge. Nevertheless, he resorted to cheating during the race to ensure his victory.

After his defeat, the enraged Besalisk betrayed the rebels and attempted to capture them, intending to hand them over to the Empire, as he stated he should have done originally. Upon meeting the fourteen-year-old Ezra Bridger, Vez remarked that the rebels must be desperate if they were recruiting children. Vez was a brown-skinned Besalisk with a tasseled brown beard and yellow eyes.


Galus Vez wielded two blaster pistols in combat and piloted the Kom'rk-class fighter/transport Splendour during races. He wore blue pants and a green jacket, adorned with silver rings in his beard.

Behind the scenes

Galus Vez was conceived for the canon comic story Ring Race, authored by Martin Fisher and illustrated by Bob Molesworth. The comic strip appeared in the first issue of Star Wars Rebels Magazine, released on January 21, 2015.

