Galub slug

Galub slugs, indigenous to the oceans of Spira, were enormous, pale, grub-like sea parasites. These creatures would latch onto sizable marine creatures to feed on their blood. Possessing limited intelligence, they occasionally confused passing vessels for possible hosts, posing a slight risk to tourists enjoying yachting.


Hailing from the ocean depths of the planet Spira, the Galub slug was a parasitic organism. Reaching up to two meters in length, Galub slugs could firmly attach to any solid object using powerful suction. This ability allowed them to latch onto large marine animals and consume their blood. Lacking sentience, these unintelligent creatures often mistook the undersides of boats for large sea animals, attaching themselves to the unfortunate vessel. The Galub slug featured a robust, grub-white exterior, capable of withstanding spears, but vulnerable to blaster weaponry.


During the events of the Galactic Civil War, a contingent of agents from the Alliance to Restore the Republic were participating in the 345th annual Spira Regatta Open. A sea slug affixed itself to their yacht, hindering their progress. The Rebels were then compelled to employ their blasters in order to detach the creature and free their watercraft.

