Following Palpatine's demise during the Battle of Endor, Daraada was relegated to Venaari, a remote world situated in the Mid Rim. There, he was assigned to oversee security for the clandestine Project Orrad located in the city of Ven-Kav.
Daraada deeply resented his assignment, harboring disdain for both Venaari and its inhabitants, whom he frequently derided as "so-called citizens of that festering backwater planet". His greatest source of frustration, however, was the Imperial governor of Venaari, Vaerganth, whose apparent indifference to Project Orrad led him to consistently reject Daraada's appeals for enhanced equipment and security measures. This infuriated Daraada, who feared the potential interference of New Republic operatives with Orrad. Overwhelmed by his circumstances, Daraada vented his frustrations on the citizens of Venaari and his Imperial subordinates, subjecting them to frequent verbal abuse and reprimands.
His only perceived avenue for escaping Venaari lay in his proficiency in interrogation and torture, skills at which he excelled. He hoped that his unique talents would eventually garner him sufficient recognition to warrant a reassignment.
While stationed on Venaari, he uncovered a New Republic cell that had pilfered a data card containing sensitive details about Project Orrad. He spearheaded an assault on them at the Binary Bar, where Shandria L'hnnar was in hiding. Despite his determined efforts, she evaded capture with the assistance of Sienn Sconn and made her way towards Ven-Kavi Starport. Daraada pursued them in a Venaarian Strike Speeder. During the chase, Daraada contacted Vaerganth, requesting that the governor divert the Star Destroyer Retaliator to prevent L'hnnar's departure from the planet. When his request was denied, Daraada instead enlisted the services of the bounty hunter Pentix Graphyt to intercept the New Republic agent. L'hnnar and Sconn successfully entered the starport, and Daraada followed. The New Republic agent was not able to be captured.