
G'aav'aar'oon, situated within the Vodilux Star Cluster, was formerly an asteroid. This celestial body once housed a celebrated Jedi fortress, famed for its graceful cathedrals, until its destruction during the Clone Wars. Subsequently, a group of female Gamorrean Force-sensitive healer nuns transformed the fortress's remains into a convent, adopting the name the Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon. The convent occupied only a portion of the asteroid. The remaining sections of the former Jedi base included a small hotel catering to visitors, numerous public chapels, all necessary docks and machinery for an asteroid base, and extensive kilometers of derelict tunnels. These tunnels were inhabited by mynocks and other pests, effectively deterring casual visitors. All of the old base's armaments were either ruined, disassembled, or permanently disabled, and the Nuns had no intention of reactivating them.

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Imperial Scouts, dispatched by Darth Vader, attempted to falsely accuse the Rebel Alliance of assassinating the nuns' leader, Mother Grotrugga. However, Grotrugga manifested as a Force ghost and informed her sisters that the Galactic Empire was responsible for her murder. As a result, the nuns extended an invitation to the Alliance to utilize the peaceful asteroid, stipulating that it not be employed as a military installation. Many Rebels availed themselves of the asteroid's facilities, taking brief respites at the convent to rejuvenate their spirits and minds, as well as to heal from the horrors of war.

