The Noghri, whose pronunciation is /'no.gɹi/, represented a race of primitive humanoids. Their skin was typically a steely gray or blue hue, and they were renowned as extraordinarily skilled assassins, due to their remarkable abilities in both stealth and close-quarters combat. Despite their relatively small stature, they were highly effective killers, equipped with claws, sharp fangs, and an exceptionally keen sense of smell that allowed them to identify an individual's bloodline. A prime example of this ability is Khabarakh's recognition of Leia Organa Solo as the daughter of Darth Vader, thereby making her the Mal'ary'ush. Culturally, they shared similarities with the Wookiee species, placing a high value on honor above all other considerations. Noghri society was structured around clans, with the dukha, or community center, serving as the focal point of each village.
This species manifested as bipedal beings with steel-gray skin, characterized by well-developed musculature and sinewy builds. Their agility was exceptional, further enhanced by reflexes that were faster than average. Their bodies were devoid of hair. Although not particularly tall, their compact size was deceptive, concealing their ruthless nature and highly effective skills. In essence, the Noghri were predators, distinguished by their toothed snouts, swift-moving eyes, and an extraordinary sense of smell. Their olfactory senses were so refined that they could discern a person's lineage through scent alone. The Noghri's physical form was essentially a compact killing machine, specifically designed for hunting and eliminating their prey.
The Gengh-Noghri constituted a distinct subspecies of Noghri that evolved separately from the populations on Honoghr.

The Noghri originated from the planet Honoghr. Long before the Clone Wars brought devastation to their world, the Noghri were subjugated by the Rakata of the Infinite Empire. Some were also transported to the Tython system by the Tho Yor, where those with Force-sensitivity became some of the initial members of the Je'daii Order. Subsequently, a number of Noghri slaves were taken to the Unknown Regions and placed on the planet Tulpaa. While the Infinite Empire eventually faded from history, the former slaves began to revere the memory of the Rakatans, interpreting their ancient structures as evidence of the gods' presence on Honoghr. During this early era, there was a history of blood feuds between the various clans, though they later learned to coexist. Before the destruction of Honoghr during the later years of the Clone Wars, Noghri individuals could be found across the fringes of the galaxy, working as pilots, bodyguards, bouncers, and assassins for the Hutts.
The most significant turning point in Noghri civilization occurred in 19 BBY, during the final stages of the Clone Wars, when they entered the galactic stage. During a space battle between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, Honoghr was devastated by the Separatist toxin Trihexalophine1138. The contaminant originated from a downed Lucrehulk-class Core Ship destroyed in the spaceborne Battle of Honoghr, decimating much of the planet's plant life. At that time, Jedi Master Rii'ke En arrived on the planet with a clone trooper to locate and retrieve the Scientific Instrument Package, which was intended as proof of the Separatists' use of biological weapons. However, the Noghri discovered the SIP and killed the intruders. They subsequently participated in the Battle of Honoghr, attacking both the Republic forces led by Jedi Aayla Secura and those of Quinlan Vos, who sought to retrieve the SIP for Count Dooku.
Shortly after the Clone Wars concluded, Darth Vader discovered the planet and was greatly impressed by the unarmed Noghri's combat prowess when they defeated his heavily armed stormtrooper escort with minimal losses. To secure their service and loyalty, Lord Vader offered the Noghri environmental assistance from the newly established Galactic Empire. At that time, the Noghri were primarily a peaceful culture focused on hunting and farming, and they felt compelled to accept Lord Vader's offer. However, Vader secretly ordered his staff to continue polluting the planet to ensure the Noghri's enslavement, as they were honor-bound to serve the Dark Lord of the Sith. Thus, under the pretense of "helping" the planet recover from the ecological disaster, he gained the Noghri's allegiance, and many young males became Noghri Death Commandos, serving as personal assassins for both Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader.
The Emperor considered the acquisition of an army of nearly unstoppable assassins and hunters, completely devoted to him and his apprentice and willing to sacrifice their lives for their whims, to be a valuable asset. Emperor Palpatine's first act was to remove Honoghr, the Noghri homeworld, from galactic charts and erase any record of their existence. Following this, he initiated a systematic subjugation of the race to bring them entirely under his control. Simultaneously, the Noghri were used to eliminate rivals, politicians, and dissidents who opposed Emperor Palpatine's regime.

The Noghri were relegated to the lesser-known aspects of the Empire, where assassins, bodyguards, and other clandestine roles were required. At some point, the New Jedi Order speculated that Lord Vader may have dispatched Noghri to the planet Yalara. This world possessed an advanced cloaking device created by Jedi Master Broden Kel Verdox, which was used to shield the planet and its inhabitants from the rest of the galaxy. The Noghri remained there as of 14 ABY, but after Jaden Korr destroyed the device, the remaining Noghri were returned home.
As a reward for Grand Admiral Thrawn's assistance in planning the Battle of Derra IV and his campaign against Prince Xizor and Black Sun, the newly appointed Supreme Commander Vader granted him control of the Noghri. Having inherited command of these feared assassins, Thrawn deployed them on strike missions that demanded not only ruthlessness but also skill and stealth. During the Galactic Civil War, Tyber Zann of the Zann Consortium sought to instill fear in his enemies. To achieve this, he attacked Honoghr to defeat the formidable Noghri warriors, believing that defeating the Empire's Noghri Death Commandos would enhance his reputation. This led to the Skirmish on Honoghr, where Urai Fen and Consortium forces achieved victory over the Noghri. The Noghri continued to serve the Galactic Empire even after Emperor Palpatine's death. Lord Cronal captured some and created mutated Noghri assassins to guard Dromund Kaas.
Approximately five years after the Emperor's demise, Grand Admiral Thrawn ordered the Noghri to kidnap the pregnant Leia Organa Solo. Realizing that neither she nor her children would be safe as long as the Noghri served the Empire, she traveled to Honoghr to persuade them to abandon their service to the Empire. She leveraged her status as Darth Vader's daughter to convince the Noghri that the Empire had deceived and virtually enslaved them for years. Consequently, the Noghri turned against the Empire, and Grand Admiral Thrawn was killed when his Noghri bodyguard Rukh betrayed him and stabbed him.

Following Grand Admiral Thrawn's death, Leia Organa Solo became the new master of the Noghri, commanding the loyalty of the galaxy's most skilled assassins and warriors. Through her, the Noghri entered the service of the New Republic and its agents. The New Republic assisted in resettling the Noghri on other planets, including Wayland, to allow Honoghr time to recover. Many allies, relatives, and even friends later received aid from the Noghri due to their honor-bound duty to Lady Vader.
Later, in 14 ABY, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr was dispatched on a mission to the planet Yalara to investigate reports from an ancient holocron about a cloaking device on the world. Upon arrival, Korr was attacked by the Imperial Remnant, who were assisting the Disciples of Ragnos, as well as the Noghri warriors who had been left on the planet. These Noghri fought against both the Disciples and Korr, though Korr ultimately succeeded in destroying the cloaking device. Any surviving Noghri were subsequently transported back to their homeworld of Honoghr.

Over the years, Leia Organa Solo faced increasing pressure from the New Republic Ruling Council to discontinue the use of her Noghri bodyguard detail, following an unfortunate "incident" with the Barabel ambassador. Many were suspicious of Chief of State Leia for employing such a feared force that had previously been wielded by Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader. However, she continued to use them, but only as a backup unit in case of an unexpected disaster. During a mission to the planet Nam Chorios, she was accompanied by the Noghri Ezrakh, Gshkaath, and two others. All four were killed by Dzym, who used the Death Seed plague to murder them. Leia and her entire family became highly respected figures in Noghri society. Leia was later assigned two Noghri bodyguards, Cakhmaim and Meewalh, who helped protect her during the Caamas Document Crisis, throughout the Yuuzhan Vong, and Swarm Wars until they were killed during the Second Galactic Civil War.
Despite their diminutive size, the Noghri were renowned for their formidable warrior capabilities. They were exceptionally dedicated and fierce fighters, never exhibiting any sense of humor, even in their most relaxed state. Furthermore, they generally preferred to use more primitive weaponry, such as knives, and engage in unarmed combat. Their greatest asset, however, was their secrecy, as they only ventured off-world when summoned for a mission. In such cases, an agent typically accompanied the Noghri to provide them with the necessary logistics and transportation to complete their mission discreetly. Once deployed, a Noghri was singularly focused on completing their task, becoming entirely consumed by it until the objective was achieved.
As previously mentioned, the Noghri were notorious assassins and outstanding bodyguards. In combat, they excelled in hand-to-hand fighting. Their speech was guttural and raspy, similar to Dosh, the Trandoshan language. The smuggler Talon Karrde conceived the idea of hiring individual Noghri as bodyguards.

Their society was clan-based, consisting of tightly knit family groups with diverse customs and rituals. While they possessed the social customs and rituals of a pre-spaceflight society, the Noghri had access to various forms of advanced technology and machinery due to their initial servitude to the Empire. Their clans were centered around Dukhas and led by a Dynast. A clan's dukha, or meeting place at the center of a village, was typically where the Maitrakh resided. Dukha were considered sacred, also belonging to the ancestors of the clan. Individual Noghri could identify another's clan by their clan-scent. When referring to an individual, it was by family and lineage. Princess Leia was identified by her scent as belonging to the same family as Lord Vader and was subsequently referred to as "Lady Vader" or, in the Noghri tongue, Mal'ary'ush. Each clan had a Maitrakh, or matriarch, who served as the storyteller, leader, and lore keeper of the clan.
Noghri were also exceptionally loyal, as demonstrated by the Noghri Death Commandos and similar groups who often willingly sacrificed themselves to fight against those they considered enemies. A conflict of loyalty was a significant event in a Noghri's life.
Trained in a wide range of weapons, they typically carried only a few daggers, believing that their surroundings would provide them with what they needed. Their greatest source of pride was their fighting sickles, which were a mark of honor and well-balanced weapons for hand-to-hand combat. Noghri were renowned for their skill in throwing them during battle.
The Noghri Death Commandos represented the initial tradition established among the Noghri after their service to the Galactic Empire began. Utilizing their feared warrior skills and agility, they became the private commandos of the Galactic Emperor and the Supreme Commander, as well as those to whom they chose to lend their services. They were often deployed in teams on missions requiring stealth, allowing them to eliminate problematic targets or capture specific individuals. While the Noghri preferred primitive weaponry, they were typically accompanied by agents who managed their logistical and transportation needs.

The Noghri bodyguards represented a new tradition and group that emerged after the race learned of Leia Organa Solo's parentage. Following this revelation, the Noghri became dedicated protectors of Leia and her family, with two warriors always in close proximity to her, a situation she found somewhat frustrating and attempted to discourage, though it did not deter her vigilant defenders.
These dedicated warriors underwent extensive training and testing to determine who would be honored with the role of guardians of the Mal'ary'ush, the daughter of Lord Vader. They would serve her, and some were assigned to protect important individuals within the New Republic, a task they undertook to prove themselves worthy protectors of Lady Vader. These warriors considered their task a sacred duty, making them impervious to bribery or blackmail.
The first trained Noghri bodyguards were honored with their initial assignment to protect a key individual, and though skilled, they understood that they had much to learn. As they gained experience, they were often integrated into elite units and deployed for military strikes, such as scouting Ithor. Once these warriors had distinguished themselves in their duties, they were finally granted the honor of serving the Skywalker and Solo families.
Whenever a bodyguard departed Honoghr, it was typically to serve the Skywalker and Solo families. The missions they were dispatched on varied depending on the needs of their patron. While a bodyguard was capable of protecting any charge they deemed fit, this duty was secondary to their greater service to the family lines of Lord Vader. In some instances, however, Leia Organa Solo was known to send Noghri to protect specific individuals and key officials from the New Republic. The great reverence the Noghri held for their patron meant that they constantly competed for the honor of such assignments. Ultimately, the duty of being a bodyguard was considered a sacred duty, with blackmail or bribes being regarded as the worst crimes a Noghri could commit.

- Clan Bakh'tor [19]
- Clan Baikh'vair [20]
- Clan Eikh'mir [19]
- Clan Kihm'bar [21]
- Clan Hakh'khar [19]
- Clan Tlakh'sar [22]
Author Timothy Zahn originally intended for the Noghri to be called "the Sith", hence Darth Vader being the "Dark Lord of the Sith"; this idea conflicted with Lucasfilm and was ultimately changed. Another species was eventually given the Sith name. Additionally, Zahn initially planned to reveal in his novel Heir to the Empire that Darth Vader's mask was designed as a stylized representation of a Noghri face, to enhance the Dark Lord's ability to command the Noghri Death Commandos. Zahn was again overruled by Lucasfilm, but while he was prevented from explicitly making this suggestion, he believed he would be allowed to do so in one of the subsequent books in The Thrawn Trilogy, so he designed the aliens' appearance with the mask in mind. Another idea Zahn had was for the skin color of the Noghri to change throughout their life cycle, with Noghri children starting life with pale gray skin that darkened as they aged, becoming black by adulthood. Zahn ultimately rejected this concept to avoid any potential negative racial connotations.