The disastrous Kashyyyk mission describes the failed attempt in 9 ABY by Noghri Commando Team 22 to seize Princess Leia Organa Solo from the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk. Acting under the directives of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Noghri force infiltrated Kashyyyk, where Leia was concealed and guarded by many Wookiees, with the intention of abducting her during the night. However, the Force alerted Leia to their presence, leading to the death of the Noghri unit, except for Khabarakh, who was taken prisoner. Subsequently, Khabarakh consented to escort Organa to the Noghri's home world, Honoghr.
During his campaign against the New Republic in 9 ABY, Grand Admiral Thrawn sought the assistance of Joruus C'baoth, a Dark Jedi clone. C'baoth demanded the capture and delivery of the Force-sensitive Princess Leia Organa Solo as compensation for his aid. At the time, Organa was pregnant with twins, and C'Baoth intended to convert all three into his apprentices. Thrawn agreed to these terms, and he commanded the Noghri Commando Team 22 to travel to the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk to seize Organa. She had sought refuge there, protected by numerous Wookiees, though their numbers had dwindled following a period of relative calm.

Commando Team 22, which included the Noghri warrior Khabarakh, launched a clandestine assault under the cover of darkness, attempting to capture Organa. Their initial move was to ignite a fire at a nearby dwelling as a distraction, after which they approached the Rwookrrorro residence of the Wookiee warrior Salporin, where Organa was being sheltered. Opting for stunners instead of the louder and more conventional blasters, three Noghri engaged Salporin and other Wookiees guarding the house, while a fourth attempted to abduct Organa. However, the mission was unsuccessful. Thanks to the Force, Organa sensed the danger and awoke just as the Noghri tried to subdue her. Organa used her lightsaber to fend off her attackers, buying enough time for her Wookiee protectors to intervene. Khabarakh briefly restrained Organa but released her upon realizing she was the Mal'ary'ush, the daughter and heir of Darth Vader, the Noghri's former master, to whom they held unwavering loyalty. The stunners proved ineffective against the Wookiees, and the entire commando team was eliminated, with the exception of Khabarakh. Chewbacca, Organa's Wookiee bodyguard and friend, captured Khabarakh and was on the verge of killing him, but Organa intervened at the last moment, leading Chewbacca to knock the Noghri unconscious instead. Salporin died in the attack, while Chewbacca and another Wookiee protector, Ralrracheen, sustained only minor injuries.
Organa, hoping to gain more insight into the Noghri in order to foster diplomacy with them, questioned Khabarakh immediately after the failed attack. During the interrogation, Khabarakh verified that she was indeed the Mal'ary'ush. Organa persuaded Khabarakh to escort her to the Noghri home planet of Honoghr, where she successfully revealed that Thrawn's confederation was keeping them enslaved, and convinced them to ally with the New Republic.