T1-LB, affectionately called "Elbee" by Zayne Carrick, a Jedi Padawan, was a bulk-loading droid of the LB-series serving the Jedi Academy situated on the planet Taris around 3964 BBY. The droid's typical duties took an unexpected and dramatic turn when the five Jedi Masters residing at the academy masterminded the murder of their own Jedi Padawans, a plot T1-LB inadvertently witnessed. These Jedi Masters belonged to the Jedi Covenant, a secret society operating within the Jedi Order. Their decision to strike against their five Padawans stemmed from the Covenant's dedication to preventing the rise of the Sith. However, Zayne Carrick, one of the targeted Padawans, miraculously survived the assault. Consequently, the Jedi Masters framed him for the crime and initiated a pursuit of the fugitive to complete their initial objective. Seeking to understand the reasons behind his predicament, Carrick located T1-LB and extracted the motive for the attack from the droid's recorded data. Subsequently, T1-LB joined Zayne Carrick on his quest, alongside his companions Jarael, Camper, and Marn Hierogryph, ultimately succeeding in clearing his name.
Long before the events of the Great Sith War, Kellenech Technologies engineered the T1 series droid model, classifying it as a fifth-degree droid. T1-LB was a member of the T1 subtype, specifically the LB droid series, with "LB" standing for "loader, bulk." The droid's substantial size, resilience, and absence of a vocabulator highlighted its design focus on performing demanding, manual labor. Thanks to its robust construction, T1-LB diligently performed its tasks for many years, eventually fulfilling its programmed purpose for the Academy located on the world of Taris.
In 3964 BBY, the five Jedi Masters stationed at the Jedi Academy chose T1-LB to accompany them to Taris's Rogue Moon. Their intention was to establish a portable magnetic shield, providing protection against the constant meteor impacts on the moon's surface, while the Masters waited for their Jedi Padawans to navigate through the meteor storm. This was supposedly their final test before becoming Jedi Knights. However, the five Masters were secretly members of the Jedi Covenant, a clandestine group within the Jedi Order dedicated to proactively preventing the return of the Jedi's ancient adversaries, the Sith. Four of the Masters constituted the First WatchCircle, serving as the Covenant's primary seers. On the moon, these four experienced a vision foretelling their own deaths and depicting the galaxy engulfed in flames, accompanied by a figure in a red environment suit. At the time of this vision, each of their Padawans was wearing a red suit as they navigated to the camp using the Force. Consequently, the Masters concluded that one of them would trigger the Sith's resurgence and endanger the galaxy. Lucien Draay, the liaison between the First WatchCircle and the Covenant, decided to eliminate all five of their students in response to the vision. This decision was made after discovering that T1-LB had overheard their entire discussion about the prophecy and the Padawans. Draay commanded the droid to walk off a cliff on the moon and used the Force to propel it rapidly towards the surface, resulting in T1-LB's destruction upon impact.
The droid's remains remained on the surface for several days until Zayne Carrick, one of the Padawans stationed on Taris, arrived. He had miraculously escaped his Masters after they killed his four fellow students and attempted to kill him. As Carrick's escape was unplanned, the Jedi Masters blamed him for the deaths of the other Padawans, turning him into a fugitive. While on the run, Carrick sought to understand the reasons behind his Masters' actions, tracing his steps back to the moon, where he discovered T1-LB. Carrick reasoned that T1-LB could not have simply fallen off the cliff, as his Masters had claimed. He transported the droid's remains to The Last Resort, his temporary sanctuary. Gorman Vandrayk, an inventor and fellow fugitive known as Camper, repaired T1-LB and added enhancements, including a vocabulator and holographic projector. Carrick then reviewed T1-LB's recording, which contained audio and visuals of his Masters' plot to murder their students to prevent their vision of the future. However, the droid's destruction at Lucien Draay's hands exceeded T1-LB's processing capabilities, corrupting its motivation center. As a result, after the hologram recording concluded, the droid erased the entire section of holographic memory. Camper suggested shutting the droid down, but Carrick declined, as the droid had provided him with the information he needed to understand why he was a fugitive, even if he was uncertain how to use that knowledge. Shortly thereafter, the bounty hunter Valius Ying captured Carrick, T1-LB, and their temporary companions Camper, the Arkanian fugitive Jarael, and the Tarisian crime lord, Marn Hierogryph. To protect the others, Carrick offered to surrender to the bounty hunter without resistance. In response to Carrick's sacrifice, Camper, Jarael, and Hierogryph devised a plan to rescue Carrick, utilizing T1-LB's schematics of the Jedi Tower. Following the successful rescue, T1-LB departed Taris aboard The Last Resort with Carrick.

To evade the authorities, The Last Resort ventured to the war front where Mandalorian and Republic forces were locked in a stalemate. As their supplies dwindled, the fugitives could no longer remain hidden and resorted to raiding a mining colony on the planet Vanquo. Hierogryph instructed T1-LB to generate sound effects simulating a Mandalorian attack, with the intention of causing the miners to flee their outpost. The plan was successful. However, moments later, the Mandalorians launched an actual attack and captured Jarael. Carrick informed T1-LB that Draay would locate the droid if it did not carry Camper and retreat with them to The Last Resort to escape. However, the Mandalorian, Rohlan Dyre, arrived at the landing site before them and commandeered their starship. T1-LB and the others managed to board the ship before it departed the planet, but the landing ramp closed on the droid's hand. During the ensuing struggle on board, Zayne told T1-LB that Dyre was responsible for the loss of his hand, prompting the droid to end the conflict by pinning the Mandalorian down with its weight. Using Jarael's homing beacon, Camper was able to chart a course to her location: the former stellar research station known as Flashpoint Station, which had recently been captured by the Mandalorians. Carrick learned from Dyre that the location was also the research facility of the Mandalorian scientist Demagol, where all captured Jedi were taken. Together, they devised a plan to free Jarael and the captive Jedi.
Upon landing at the station, T1-LB remained inside the ship while the Mandalorians searched the vessel. Afterwards, the droid discreetly dropped a bag of mining charges just outside the starship, which Carrick later placed in strategic locations around the camp. When the mining charges began detonating, the Mandalorians fled, believing that the Republic had planted the charges and was launching a counterattack. After freeing the Jedi, T1-LB departed with Carrick, Hierogryph, Jarael, and Camper for the planet Telerath. Hierogryph hoped to access one of his accounts on the planet and use the funds to provide Jarael and Camper with an opportunity to establish new lives on their own.
When Carrick and Hierogryph parted ways with Jarael and Camper on the planet Ralltiir, T1-LB stayed behind to assist the latter two fugitives in tasks such as loading the new hyperdrive components for The Last Resort. Shortly after their departure, a HK-24 series assassin droid emerged from a container in the cargo hold, sent by Camper's former employer Adascorp to abduct the brilliant former scientist and bring him back to the company to complete his last project. Both T1-LB and Jarael attempted to stop the assassin droid, but the bulk loader droid sustained blaster fire from HK-24. Jarael was also nearly killed until Rohlan Dyre emerged from his hiding place to shoot the droid from behind.
Following the attack, Camper's already fragile health deteriorated further. Jarael felt compelled to seek assistance on the planet Arkania, despite Adascorp's presence. However, the company cornered Jarael when she attempted to obtain a diagnosis for Camper's illness at a hospital. Adascorp's mobile corporate base, the Arkanian Legacy, captured The Last Resort in space, along with T1-LB. Arkoh Adasca, the owner of Adascorp, arranged a meeting of Republic, Jedi, and Mandalorian representatives aboard the Arkanian Legacy for the purpose of bartering over enormous creatures known as exogorths. Adasca hoped that, once Camper completed his work on the creatures, the buyers could utilize them as weapons, allowing him to exert galactic influence. However, Zayne Carrick, who had arrived with the Republic delegation, helped organize and execute a plan to halt Adasca's scheme. When Camper escaped his guards, he remotely guided The Last Resort to his location outside the Arkanian Legacy, leaving T1-LB behind. While Jarael searched for a starship in the hangar, she discovered the droid. Camper then sent her a holographic message through T1-LB, explaining that he needed to leave her temporarily to lead the exogorths into deep space. T1-LB pleaded with Camper not to go, but Camper insisted that the droid stay and that he would be in good hands. As the transmission ended, Jarael, overwhelmed by Camper's departure, tearfully embraced the droid. As the Arkanian Legacy began to break apart due to the exogorths' attack, the Ithorian bounty hunter Dob Moomo and Trandoshan starship thief Slyssk rescued T1-LB, Jarael, Carrick, Dyre, and the Jedi representative Alek Squinquargesimus.

Shortly after, Zayne Carrick successfully confronted the Covenant and cleared his name of all charges. However, T1-LB remained incapacitated since the events on the Arkanian Legacy. Carrick hoped that news of its former master's death would revive the droid, but T1-LB remained motionless aboard Carrick's new ship, the Hot Prospect. Nevertheless, Carrick insisted on continuing to care for the droid while embarking on new adventures with Jarael, Rohlan, Slyssk, and Hierogryph. Carrick decided to leave the Jedi Order and assist Hierogryph in his cons, as long as they targeted those deserving of justice.
Their journey led them to the abandoned luxury starship Chancellor Fillorean, adrift in space. Upon entering, Carrick and his companions discovered several deceased beings, a lone Bimm named Toki Tollivar, and his droid, K-OB7. This droid was manufactured by the same company as T1-LB, and upon encountering each other, T1-LB emerged from its stupor and began to help sort the dead bodies. Through further interaction, K-OB7 calmed T1-LB, who expressed its confusion about morality ever since Lucien Draay, its own master, attempted to destroy it. Meanwhile, Rohlan and Carrick discovered that the deceased humans and aliens had been strangled. Furthermore, Slyssk nearly died after his throat was crushed, and Carrick confronted K-OB7. In protest, T1-LB defended its fellow droid, giving K-OB7 an opportunity to explain that he and his master had been surrounded by mysterious deaths for years. Carrick now realized the identity of the true killer and that Jarael was alone with him. He and Rohlan rushed to find Tollivar, revealed to be a former Sith adept, using the Force to crush Jarael's throat. A brief lightsaber duel between the two Force users ensued, ending with Tollivar and K-OB7's deaths at the hands of Rohlan's blaster.
These events left Carrick troubled, and shortly afterwards, he met with T1-LB aboard the Hot Prospect. Alone with the droid, Carrick shared all the thoughts weighing heavily on his mind: Rohlan's perplexing behavior, Jarael's unknown past, Slyssk's loss of confidence, and his own secrets that he kept from his companions, even Hierogryph. Carrick disliked his committed silence, but he knew he could confide in T1-LB and that the droid would understand. Carrick offered his friendship to T1-LB and promised that he would also listen to anything the droid had to say.
When the crew of the Hot Prospect became entangled with the dealings of the Franchise on Jervo's World, T1-LB took its place in the waste disposal section, forcefully entering its position and throwing a newer generation loader droid into a garbage bin. T1-LB pushed its bin in preparation to smuggle Goethar Kleej and his son off the station.
Before T1-LB's involvement in the Padawan Massacre of Taris, the droid possessed minimal personality and meticulously followed the Jedi Masters' orders. However, after being repaired and receiving a brain upgrade and speech processor, the droid exhibited a stubborn and occasionally irritable personality. The droid would often refuse to move, fearing a repeat of its near destruction. Carrick and Jarael discovered that T1-LB was best motivated by reverse psychology and references to Lucien Draay. For instance, when Carrick and his companions raided the mining outpost on Vanquo, Hierogryph needed to tell T1-LB that Draay was inside the outpost to prompt the droid to create the sound effects for a mock Mandalorian attack.
T1-LB was created by John Jackson Miller, and its first confirmed appearance was in Knights of the Old Republic 3.
On his website, John Jackson Miller has stated that T1-LB is loosely based on Herman Melville's character Bartleby the Scrivener.
As the LB designation indicates the primary function of this particular subtype of the T1 model, the entire droid line is referred to as T1-LB.