
A Bosph with glyphs. Among the Bosph species, a glyph, specifically a rune-covered pendant, served as a mark of ownership for possessions. Only Force-sensitive Bosph, called Ela b'Yentarr, were permitted to use these glyphs. These Ela b'Yentarr also constituted the entire government on the Bosph homeworld of Bosph. Upon application of a glyph to an object, the glyph's owner instantly gained possession of it. In instances of disputed ownership between two Bosph, a duel, sometimes resulting in death, would decide the matter. Items lacking a glyph were considered communal property, equally accessible to all Bosph. The smuggler Bora Boru, a Bosph himself, possessed such a glyph, which he employed to lay claim to his vessel, the Bosphon Forever.

