Fez Burba, a male Human seismologist, served the Galactic Republic during the Cold War era, a period marked by tension with the reconstituted Sith Empire. To substantiate his hypothesis regarding damage to Coruscant's core from an Imperial attack, he enlisted a Republic spacer to gather seismic data within the Works. However, the readings proved inaccurate, leading Burba to pursue other endeavors. His subsequent research led him to Tatooine, where he posited the existence of substantial water reserves buried far below the surface. Regrettably, a Sand People incursion resulted in the theft of his data, and his droid aides were unsuccessful in recovering it. Consequently, Burba found himself compelled to seek the spacer's assistance again. Subsequently, he gained considerable recognition as the special presenter of Mysteries of Galactic Science. Furthermore, he proposed that the extinction of an entire civilization on Knores resulted from shifts in the planet's crust. This theory underwent scrutiny within the equatorial trench.