Fenn Shysa's memorial

A tribute to Fenn Shysa was constructed by the bounty hunter Boba Fett within the settlement of Bralsin located on the planet of Mandalore. This memorial, dedicated to the deceased Mand'alor Fenn Shysa, stood as a rare monument on the Outer Rim world. Throughout the Second Galactic Civil War, Fett frequented the memorial to converse with Shysa, a practice previously reserved only for his late father, Jango Fett.


The memorial to Fenn Shysa was understated, featuring the former Mand'alor's helmet placed on top of a granite column and secured with a durasteel peg. Shysa was well-regarded by his people, and theft or damage to his helmet was unthinkable for any Mandalorian; the durasteel peg was primarily intended to protect against harsh weather and Mandalore's indigenous fauna. Situated in Bralsin, a small suburb of Keldabe, the memorial occupied a clearing at the summit of a small hill, surrounded by an avenue of trees. While not a traditional grave for a Mand'alor, Boba Fett felt it was a fitting tribute to Shysa's humble and populist leadership style, commemorating him as any other Mandalorian would be. The monument bore no name, inscription, or distinguishing marks, and lacked any barriers or indicators of the honored leader it represented. The memorial remained undisturbed for at least two decades, even surviving the attack by the Yuuzhan Vong during the Yuuzhan Vong War, though by 41 ABY, rust had begun to affect the helmet and the paint was visibly fading.


Fenn Shysa, the man whom the memorial commemorated

During the Clone Wars, Fenn Shysa, a Mandalorian [soldier](/article/soldier-legends], along with 211 other Mandalorian Protectors, assaulted the cloning facilities on the aquatic planet Kamino on behalf of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, inflicting significant damage. Although most of the Protectors perished in the Battle of Norval II, Shysa survived, and his actions were remembered. Years later, when the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett traveled to Kamino for a cloned leg transplant to replace his cancerous one, the Kaminoan Taun We commissioned Fett to assassinate Shysa as retribution for the damage he and his comrades had inflicted on Kamino. Fett pursued Shysa, who had become the Mand'alor, the leader of the Mandalorian clans, eventually confronting him on the planet Shogun. There, they were attacked by the Sevvets, and Shysa sacrificed himself to protect Fett. Shysa had long hoped for Fett to become Mand'alor, aiming to leverage his father Jango Fett's reputation as a Jedi killer to project strength for Mandalore, and implored Fett to take on the role as his dying wish. In honor of Shysa's final request, Fett assumed the mantle of Mand'alor. While he left Shysa's body in the Quence sector, he returned to Mandalore with Shysa's green and red-colored helmet. In Bralsin, a small settlement serving as a rural suburb of Keldabe, the planet's capital city, Fett established a simple memorial featuring Shysa's helmet atop a granite column secured by a durasteel peg.

The memorial withstood the Yuuzhan Vong's assault on Mandalore during their invasion of the galaxy unharmed, remaining untouched for nearly two decades. During the conflict between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation, Boba Fett frequently visited Shysa's memorial, a stark contrast to the preceding twenty years when he had largely ignored the simple monument. He would stand and speak to the rusting helmet, imagining Shysa's responses, a practice previously reserved only for his father, Jango. Goran Beviin, a long-time friend of Fett, later brought Jedi Knight Jaina Solo to Shysa's memorial during at least one of their training sessions. Beviin informed Solo of Shysa's connection to her mother, Leia Organa Solo, and her uncle, Luke Skywalker, with whom Shysa had fought alongside against the Galactic Empire and its later remnants. The two paid their respects to the revered Mand'alor—Beviin even affectionately touching Shysa's old helmet and offering to record a holoimage for Solo's mother, the former Princess Leia—before resuming their training.

Behind the scenes

The memorial to Fenn Shysa made its debut in Star Wars canon in the 2008 novel Legacy of the Force: Revelation, penned by author Karen Traviss. It was subsequently referenced in Revelation's sequel, Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Invincible, by author Troy Denning, and mentioned within the "Bralsin" entry of The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

