Shogun (planet)

Shogun was a planet that was both conquered by and allied with the Mandalorians.


The world of Shogun possessed a landscape of bizarre, crystalline formations, resulting in sights that were characterized as "dreamscapes."


Many years prior to the Great Sith War, Shogun was taken over by one of the ancient Mandalores. Legend states that Mandalore the Indomitable experienced a vision while present on the planet. This vision gave him a critical understanding for Mandalorian religious beliefs. After returning to Mandalore, he shared this with his clan members. Historians from the New Republic have connected this vision to the following change in Mandalorian religion from the worship of the Destroyer God Kad Ha'rangir to the worship of warfare itself.

Later on, Mandalore the Ultimate, the one who succeeded Mandalore the Indomitable, also experienced a vision while on Shogun. This event caused him to declare that individuals who were not Taungs could be accepted into Mandalorian clans if they proved their worth through combat and adhered to Mandalorian honor.

In 21 ABY, Fenn Shysa lost his life on Shogun while saving the life of Boba Fett. Ailyn Vel later located Shysa's body on the planet, along with the Slave IV.

Note: The name "Shogun" originates from the highest-ranking Japanese samurai title, referring to a shogun, the ruler of Japan.


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