Feared is a painting crafted by the enigmatic Human artist, Ob Khaddor. Shortly after Emperor Palpatine placed a death mark upon Khaddor, he vanished. The artwork, primarily red in color, presented a female Rodian adorned with ribbons encircling her head and neck, set against a backdrop of vertical lines. The term "Feared," rendered in Aurebesh characters, was displayed in a vertical orientation along the right edge of the piece.
Within Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a video game launched on June 26, 2003 and discontinued on December 15, 2011, Feared was among the obtainable items via the "rare loot system." This system provided a probability for additional, uncommon loot to be obtained from any defeated adversary. The worth of this loot was directly proportional to the challenge presented by the enemy. Another item available through this system was the Cunning of Tyranus crystal. The item description lists the creator's name as Ob Khaddar.