Caz Ocean together with Dox Ocean, constitute what the native Akwin – an amphibious species of Lazerian IV – call "Father Ocean". Lazerian IV is a planet and the Akwin are an oceans dwelling people.
The sentient amphibious species of Akwin that are native to the planet Lazerian IV refer to the combined oceans as "Father Ocean". This body of water is divided into two distinct parts: Caz Ocean and Dox Ocean. Doxet is a continent that separates these two oceans, with Caz Ocean lying to its west and Dox Ocean to its east. Additionally, Father Ocean surrounds the continents of Laz, Elgar, and Torm, as well as the north and south polar ice caps. Multiple cities are located on the coast of Father Ocean, including the city-state of Doxeti on Doxet, Dorynn, Devit, and Lazeria City on Laz, and Tormaine on Torm.
Father Ocean teems with life, boasting a wide array of marine organisms such as coral and other small sea creatures. Both the Humans (known as Lazerians) and the Akwin utilize this marine life as a source of food, with the Lazerians employing fishing techniques. Aquatic plants are also abundant. Furthermore, Father Ocean is rich in certain minerals that possess the ability to disrupt sensor scans. This characteristic has allowed the Akwin, who inhabit numerous city-states within Father Ocean, to remain largely hidden from the Lazerians.
John Terra conceived Father Ocean, which was first presented in Twin Stars of Kira, a 1993 supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games.
- Twin Stars of Kira (First mentioned)
- Alien Encounters