Evas VI

title: Evas VI

Within the Belshar sector of the Mid Rim region of the galaxy, resided the planet Evas VI, a part of the Evas system. This world was known for its humid climate, where rainfall could persist for as long as three days consecutively. Despite the dampness, Evas VI was also frigid, with temperatures so low that one could succumb to death without the intermittent warmth of sunlight. By the year 0 BBY, the Pliith criminal executive Linkaas, who was the president of the Linkaas Corporation, had taken up residence on this planet. From Evas VI, Linkaas orchestrated a failed attempt to eliminate Dannen Lifehold, a smuggler and one of his debtors, on Dohu VII, by dispatching two of his henchmen. The smuggler survived, made it to orbit above Evas VI, and contacted Linkaas to inform him of his thugs' failure.

Behind the scenes

The short story "Breaking Free: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold" marked the initial appearance of Evas VI. This story was penned by Dave Marron and saw publication in Star Wars Adventure Journal 1 on February 1, 1994. The Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion indicated that the Evas system was located in grid square I-7.

