Escape from Prison Compound 32

In the year 32 BBY, the Galactic Senate, which served as the governing body for the Galactic Republic, enacted legislation that mandated taxes on trade routes leading to remote star systems. This action quickly escalated into a trade disagreement between the powerful megacorporation known as the Trade Federation and the Republic. This dispute culminated in the blockade of the planet Naboo, followed shortly by the Invasion of Naboo. While Theed, Naboo's capital city, was under occupation, a number of students from Naboo's Royal House of Learning became members of the Naboo Underground, only to be captured later by the Trade Federation's occupying forces.

These students found themselves imprisoned in Prison Compound 32, a Trade Federation detention facility constructed using portable energy barriers within Theed. Among those incarcerated with the students were Ruto Graven, who held the position of Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs under Queen Amidala; Private Boraso, a Security Guard belonging to the RSF; and the artist Ela Sivel. Boraso, having sustained injuries in combat, had secretly concealed a collection of security tools within his belt during his capture, despite lacking the necessary skills to effectively utilize them.

During a conversation with his fellow prisoners, one of the students, a Jedi Padawan, sensed a distubance in the Force. The Padawan traced this sensation to a figure in black robes who was walking past the prison accompanied by two high ranking Neimoidians. The robed figure briefly examined the Padawan before continuing on their way.

Eventually, the students made an attempt to break free. The majority of the students tried to create a diversion for the two OOM security battle droids who were guarding the energy gate, while one of the students worked to disable the gate's control panel. The students were successful in deactivating the gate and retrieving their weapons and equipment, which were stored in a crate located just outside the prison entrance.

After overcoming the initial guards, the students successfully defended against a squad of four B1-series battle droids to allow their fellow inmates to make their escape.

Behind the scenes

This article draws its material from Adventure 3A: Escape, a ready-made adventure featured in the Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game, designed for ease of play. The game set provides eight playable characters, although the adventures are designed to be played with four. Adventure 3A is intended for use when the players experience defeat in another mission. The adventure's specifications suggest substituting Ruto Graven and Ela Sivel with the mother and father of Lialla Tane if the players have not successfully concluded Adventure 3: Rescue.

