The Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route, also called the Elrood-Derilyn Run or just the E-D Run, existed as a hyperspace trade route situated within the Elrood sector found in the Outer Rim.
Initially charted as a connection linking Elrood and the Derilyn system, the route traversed a small area of space situated between The Drift and the Degan Gas Clouds. Less frequented, smaller offshoots of the main route linked the few systems along the path to the primary worlds. These extensions provided connections between Halbara and Elrood, Berea and Derilyn, and Almaran and the Torina system. Multiple routes led to the Lanthrym system, while the Kidron system provided connectivity for the worlds enclosed within the Degan Gas Clouds. The Coyn Route, which intersected the Elrood-Derilyn Run at Coyn, the "Gateway to Elrood Sector," served as the E-D Run's connection to the broader Rimma Trade Route.
During the peak of the Old Republic, this route was first established, connecting the significant planets of the Elrood sector. Despite the sector's isolation, the colonies managed to survive, though they never achieved substantial prosperity.
Under the rule of the Galactic Empire, the Elrood sector experienced a period of neglect. This situation shifted with the occupation of Derilyn, the planet closest to Imperial territory, and the subsequent establishment of an interdicted zone around Derilyn and Berea. Consequently, Torina effectively became the new terminal point on the route, leading to an economic upswing for the system. The segment of the route between Torina and Derilyn became known as "The Extreme". Imperial ships, though few in number within the sector, heavily patrolled The Extreme. Sometimes, asteroids were placed along the route to force ships to revert to realspace. In an act of resistance, the inhabitants pioneered the Coyn Route to the Rimma Trade Route, thereby further isolating Derilyn.