Degan Gas Clouds

The Degan Gas Clouds consisted of several gas clouds and nebulae that could be found within the Elrood sector.


These Degan Gas clouds were comprised of various smaller collections of gas that encircled both the Dega and Osirrag systems. Despite the navigational difficulties presented by these nebulae, a trade path had been created, linking the Dega and Osirrag systems to the Kidron system along the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route.


Numerous legends and rumors originated from the Gas Clouds. According to some stories, the nebulae were inhabited by a group of Duinuogwuin, who aggressively defended their domain. Other stories suggested that several hidden planetoids lay concealed within the Clouds, where a pirate had at one time stashed his wealth. Still other legends spoke of a "ghost ship" or a "dimensional creaure" that either aided or assaulted ships that dared to enter the Clouds. While Spacers openly rejected these stories, none had ever been brave enough to personally explore the Clouds.

In 1 ABY, the Imperial Star Destroyer Brazen was ambushed by the Khuiumin Survivors in the vicinity of the Gas Clouds.

