Duchas Cherroi

Duchas Cherroi served as a human TIE fighter pilot within the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the Galactic Civil War. He was a member of Squadron Three, fighting against the New Republic. In approximately 5 ABY, while the fighter wing was based on the Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier Aerie, Cherroi participated in a competition against Squadron Five of the 204th, ultimately not succeeding. Another pilot discussed the Imperial pilot's endeavors in the Aerie's mess hall, which Major Soran Keize, the fighter wing's commanding officer, briefly overheard as he proceeded to a meeting. Cherroi and Gargovik, another pilot in Squadron Three, were romantically involved and frequently observed together when not on duty.

Behind the scenes

The character Duchas Cherroi was initially referenced within Shadow Fall: An Alphabet Squadron Novel, a 2020 novel penned by Alexander Freed. His first name, Duchas, was revealed in Freed's 2021 sequel to Shadow Fall, titled Victory's Price.[3]

