Drek Drednar

During the tumultuous times of the Galactic Civil War, a notorious pirate by the name of Drek Drednar sailed the cosmic seas, with a particular fondness for the Carto Asteroid Belt. Taraloon served as the location for his base of operations, and he commanded the Sable III as his flagship.


Drednar's journey began on the merchant vessel, the Eclipse. While he gained invaluable knowledge regarding starships and their operation, the monotony of merchant life led him to contemplate desertion.

Fate intervened when the Eclipse was ambushed by the pirate Karn Granzor aboard his Corellian gunship, the Sable II. Seizing the opportunity, Drednar defected to join Granzor's pirate crew. Embracing the pirate lifestyle, Drednar honed his skills in blaster combat and melee techniques under Granzor's tutelage.

Secretly harboring ambitions of captaincy, Drednar meticulously observed Granzor's leadership style. He found Granzor lacking in finesse and resented his tendency to hoard the majority of the spoils, leaving only meager shares for his crew.

Capitalizing on the growing discontent among the crew, Drednar orchestrated a conspiracy against Granzor. During a brief stop at a remote starport, Drednar and his co-conspirators absconded with a Corellian corvette, which they then modified to their specifications. With the newly acquired vessel under his command, Drednar pursued the Sable II, ultimately defeating Granzor and his loyalists in battle. The Sable II was deemed beyond repair, but Drednar's crew managed to salvage the treasure Granzor had selfishly kept. In a gesture of mockery, Drednar christened his ship the Sable III and embarked on his own piratical ventures.

Drednar possessed a flamboyant personality and a penchant for duels, preferring to fight until first blood rather than to the death. A battle with a bounty hunter resulted in the loss of his left eye, but he declined a cybernetic replacement, opting instead for a simple black eye-patch for "the piratical effect." He possessed a sense of compassion and generally avoided unnecessary bloodshed and the killing of innocents. Remembering Granzor's fate, he ensured fair distribution of loot among his crew.

His skills encompassed fencing with vibro-knives, ranged combat with blasters, and he was also a highly charismatic leader.


The Corellian corvette Sable III served as Drednar's flagship. He also commanded a small squadron of snub starfighters used for attacking targets and preventing their escape. His starfighter wing was composed of:


Drednar's crew numbered approximately two hundred individuals, representing a diverse range of species, including Humans, Sullustans, Gotals, Quarren, Duros, and even Ithorians. They fulfilled various roles, such as pilots, gunners, technicians, mechanics, brawlers, and starship thieves. Furthermore, he maintained a network of informants throughout the galaxy.

Notable members of his crew included:

Prey and methods

Drednar considered all ships as potential targets, regardless of their allegiance to the Rebel, Imperial, or neutral factions. However, he wisely avoided engaging large Imperial warships.

While he employed a variety of tactics, Drednar favored ambushing ships along space lanes. With the assistance of his navigator, Tron Nixx, he would typically select an asteroid field located near a hyperspace shipping lane. He would then lie in wait, deploying his starfighters to patrol the area. The proximity of asteroid fields often forced starships to revert to realspace due to gravitational anomalies. Upon their emergence, Drednar's starfighters would descend upon the unsuspecting vessel, and Drednar would issue his signature demand: "Stand and deliver!" If necessary, his fighters would target the sub-light drives and weapons systems, while the Sable III would disable the vessel with its ion cannon.

After disabling the target, a boarding party led by Virtrol Devin, comprised of highly skilled individuals, would breach the vessel through a universal airlock tube connected to the Sable III. Once the vessel was secured, Drednar would make a theatrical entrance, intimidating the crew with his flamboyant, yet ultimately harmless, behavior.

Later in his career, Drednar adopted a more audacious variation of his ambush tactic. Operating in less secluded areas, he would fill his ship's cargo holds with water and release it into space, creating massive ice asteroids to disrupt ships' hyperspace jumps without relying on pre-existing asteroid fields.


Notes and references
