Chillo Sanpona

Chillo Sanpona, a Rodian pirate known for his bloodlust, initially served under Karn Granzor aboard the Sable II, and later under Drek Drednar on the Sable III.


One of Kain Granzor's most skilled pirates, Chillo was a formidable fighter whose main interest in piracy was the combat itself. However, Granzor's avarice and unwillingness to fairly distribute the loot among his crew angered Chillo. Consequently, Chillo attempted to pilfer a significant share of the booty for himself. Granzor apprehended him and decreed a death sentence. Fortunately for Chillo, Drednar, also a crew member, convinced Granzor to spare Chillo's life, instead exiling him to an uncharted planetoid.

However, Drednar, who was secretly plotting against Granzor, arranged for contacts to rescue Chillo, who then went underground and became involved in the mutiny. When the opportune moment arrived, he was secretly brought back onto the Sable II, where he carried out several acts of sabotage. According to rumors, Chillo was the one who killed Granzor when Drednar attacked the Sable II using the stolen Corellian corvette Anto's Star](/article/sable_iii).

Chillo was appointed first mate of the Anto's Star, which was then renamed the Sable III, and faithfully served Drednar. As a typical bloodthirsty Rodian, Drednar occasionally had to restrain Chillo from pointlessly massacring the crews of captured vessels. During his downtime, Chillo enjoyed hunting gornalaks on Taraloon.


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