Draboon was a celestial body situated within the Mandalore sector and classified as terrestrial. Around 42 BBY, during the period of the Mandalorian Civil War, Satine Kryze of the Mandalorian House Kryze was put under the care of Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Because Duchess Satine became a bounty hunter target, the two Jedi took her away from Mandalore to protect her. At one juncture during their almost year-long escape, they ended up on Draboon. While there, Kryze and Kenobi were attacked by a horde of venom-mites, and Kenobi carried Kryze to safety, although this noble deed was somewhat ruined when he clumsily dropped her, resulting in a lasting scar from the incident.
Following the conclusion of the Mandalorian Civil War and the formation of the pacifistic New Mandalorian administration, a specialized luxury yacht was constructed for the Duchess. The starship, called the Coronet, had its interior decorated with a variety of natural materials sourced from the Mandalore sector, notably Draboon lapis which was used on the ship's promenade.