Doune, a gambler of the Herglic species, found himself embroiled in a disagreement regarding credits with both Nyo and Kinnin Vo-Shay. This Herglic possessed a lightsaber that Nyo, a young Human, desperately desired. After losing the lightsaber to Vo-Shay in a game of sabacc, Doune relinquished it. However, in exchange, Doune managed to take Kinnin's obsidian lucky charm, believing it was the source of Vo-Shay's good fortune.
At some point, Doune arrived on the planet Morado, where he engaged in sabacc games. One of his opponents was a farmboy named Nyo, whom he left with a mere single credit. Later, he faced the skilled gambler Kinnin Vo-Shay in a sabacc match, who had pity for Nyo. Vo-Shay emerged victorious, winning nearly 250,000 credits from Doune, who suspected foul play. In response, Doune hired the Barabel Yarrku to locate Vo-Shay's ship, the Ashanda Ray, and reclaim his lost funds. After Yarrku's failure, Doune acquired the lightsaber Nyo wanted on Nar Shaddaa. Doune then proposed a sabacc game to Vo-Shay: victory for Doune meant acquiring Vo-Shay's lucky charm, while Vo-Shay's win would grant him the lightsaber. At the Nygann Cantina on Nar Shaddaa, Vo-Shay lost, and Doune claimed the charm. With his aim solely on the pendant, Doune abandoned the lightsaber. Now in possession of the obsidian charm, Doune felt optimistic about his future gambling endeavors.
Doune possessed an addictive personality when it came to gambling, and he seemed to enjoy exploiting vulnerable individuals. He was a frequent gambler and displayed strong superstitious beliefs. Like other Herglics, his skin would exhibit mottling when agitated. He often perceived himself as a victim when he lost and directed his frustration towards his personal droid, Vee-Six.