The Dornean Navy represented the space defense fleet for both the planet of Dornea and its Dornean inhabitants. It functioned within the Dominus sector.
Despite possessing a relatively small number of starships, numbering only eighty, the Dornean Navy effectively resisted the Galactic Empire's attempts at sector occupation, both before and during the period of the Galactic Civil War.
Shortly before the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic reached out to the Dornean Navy, seeking assistance in the impending conflict. In response, the Navy secretly dispatched its two recently commissioned Braha'tok-class gunships, named Braha'tok and Torktarak. Kiles L'toth, who commanded the Braha'tok, subsequently retired from the Dornean Navy, while Etahn A'baht, the commanding officer of Torktarak, received a promotion to the rank of General and continued his service within the New Republic Defense Force.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Etahn A'baht made a return to the Dornean Navy. This followed his resignation from his position in the New Republic, a decision made in protest against the strategies adopted by Admiral Sien Sovv and Commodore Turk Brand in combating the Yuuzhan Vong. Under A'baht's leadership, the Dornean Navy successfully defended the Dominus sector against all Yuuzhan Vong incursions. The Navy's successful defense of its territory would later be used in a negative comparison to the New Republic's military approach in Confederation propaganda during the Second Galactic Civil War.
A distinctive characteristic of the Dornean Navy was its utilization of ranks aligned with army conventions in Galactic Basic Standard, deviating from the standard ranking systems commonly employed by interstellar naval forces. For instance, its high-ranking officers held the grade of Generals instead of Admirals.