During the Galactic Civil War, on the planet Skye, a S'kytri female named Deverén acted as a spokesbeing for the Supreme Council of the Highland Clans. In the year 0 ABY, Rebel operatives Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker journeyed to her homeworld, a world aligned with the Galactic Empire and isolated from external influences. They arrived to assist their comrade Han Solo in his conflict with Kharys, the Majestrix of Skye. Deverén oversaw the Supreme Council's assembly convened to determine the fate of Skywalker and Organa. Initially inclined to surrender them to the Empire, Deverén's perspective shifted upon recognizing that Skywalker possessed the same lightsaber wielded by one of the Jedi who had been instrumental in saving Skye during the Clone Wars. Consequently, Deverén and the Council opted to support Skywalker and Organa in their fight against Kharys.
Chris Claremont wrote the story in which Deverén made her debut, Star Wars Annual (1977) 1, which was published in 1979. Mike Vosburg provided the illustrations of Deverén in that issue.