
Dekluun was a Sephi commander of the male persuasion who commanded troops during the Republic military's invasion of the planet Thustra, an event that transpired after the Sephi chose to secede from the Republic in 21 BBY. While in the process of strategically positioning his troops to defend against an impending assault on the Republic units, Dekluun met his end, killed by a sudden and unexpected enemy offensive.


During the era of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Dekluun existed as a male Sephi native to the planet of Thustra. In the year 22 BBY, the Sephi, under the leadership of their King Alaric, made the decision to withdraw from the Republic and align themselves with the Confederacy, a choice that prompted the Republic to dispatch a military force to Thustra as a demonstration of power. Holding the rank of commander, Dekluun was in charge of troops during the subsequent conflict, where the initial Sephi attacks inflicted substantial losses on the Republic's clone troopers.

Subsequently, Dekluun initiated the deployment of his troops just outside the reach of the Republic's weaponry, with the intention of launching an assault to expel the enemy from Thustra. However, Navi, the Sephi Senator, engaged in treachery against both his own people and the Republic in a bid for power, divulging the coordinates of Dekluun's forces and the location of a concealed passage that could be exploited to surprise the Sephi to the Republic's forces. While still occupied with preparing his troops for the intended offensive, Dekluun and his soldiers were taken unaware by the Republic's assault. LAAT/i gunships unleashed fire upon the Sephi positions, resulting in the killing of Dekluun in the opening seconds of the attack.

Personality and traits

Dekluun was a competent military leader who understood that achieving victory against the superior weaponry and numerical advantage of the clone army required leveraging every available advantage. Despite this understanding, the Republic's unexpected attack caught him completely off guard, leading to his demise. He expressed satisfaction when his aide emphasized the Sephi's advantage in fighting to protect their families and their [homeworld](/article/homeworld-legends], appreciating his subordinate's perspective. Dekluun possessed white hair, black eyes, and pink skin.

Armor and equipment

During the engagement on Thustra, the commander donned full-body armor.

Behind the scenes

Dekluun's initial appearance occurred in the Jedi: Yoda comic, authored by Jeremy Barlow and illustrated by HOON. Jedi: Yoda was published by Dark Horse Comics and released in 2004. Subsequently, the commander was featured in an entry within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008).

