Davin (Human)

A Human from the legends continuity, Davin, received his education as a stormtrooper cadet at the Imperial Academy situated on the planet called Carida. During his time in training, Davin formed a strong friendship with a fellow cadet who would later be known as TK329. Their paths diverged in 4 BBY upon their acceptance into the Stormtrooper Corps, as they were assigned to different posts. Three years afterward, TK329 publicly acknowledged Davin as his closest friend, referencing their shared past and bond in a broadcast originating from the Star Destroyer named Vector.

Behind the scenes

TK329's in-universe Twitter account mentioned Davin in a tweet that was posted on September 20, 2009. This account was established as a promotional tool connected to Joe Schreiber's then-forthcoming novel, Death Troopers.


Notes and references
