Darryn Thyte, a male Human, held the rank of lieutenant within the New Republic. He served as the bridge operations officer on the vessel known as the FarStar.
Before the Battle of Kal'Shebbol, Thyte was a skilled pilot of a T-65 X-wing starfighter who provided aerial support for a ground operation within the Vaenrood mountains. Several months prior to the battle, his starfighter was struck by Imperial artillery, resulting in a crash. He lost his right arm when the cockpit canopy broke and severed the limb. Medical personnel replaced the missing limb with a rudimentary cybernetic prosthetic; the best available option at the time. This incident also caused a significant decline in his self-confidence.
After the accident, Thyte was removed from flight duties and reassigned to bridge operations on a capital ship within the task force. When the FarStar mission was proposed, he volunteered, hoping to prove his value.
In his role as operations officer, Thyte was responsible for maintaining order and ensuring efficiency within the command center. He acted as the captain's direct representative, overseeing communications, sensors, and navigation. He also served as the FarStar's navigator, due to his unique experience in capital ship astrogation.
Thyte longed to rejoin a frontline squadron, but understood that his attitude would have a negative impact on the unit. Lieutenant Ranna Gorjaye specifically requested that Thyte not be considered for any fighter assignments.
Following his injury, Thyte became very embittered. Initially, he presented himself to the crew as a grumpy and unpleasant person. However, his relationships with them improved, and he developed feelings for Ranna Gorjaye, despite his resentment towards her position as commander of the starfighter squadron.
He viewed the bridge as his personal domain and asserted his authority. He was not easily intimidated. Thyte was an officer who treated orders as "command suggestions". He was aware that his behavior was tolerated solely because the FarStar crew depended on his skills.
Thyte was rarely seen away from the bridge and disliked traveling in small craft, possibly indicating a fear of them.