Cronah was a male Zabrak Jedi Padawan (his gender was male) who studied at the Jedi academy located on Coruscant at the same time as Roan Novachez. Despite his skills as a student, he was known for being a bully and a source of trouble. He was almost always with another Padawan, Cyrus, and the pair enjoyed harassing their fellow Jedi academy students, with Roan being a frequent target. Occasionally, a female student named Jo-Ahn would join them in their bullying.
During the second year of Roan's studies, Cronah and Cyrus briefly became friends with Novachez. Later, Cronah served under Roan's leadership as Blue Three during the final test for starfighter pilot training. He and Cyrus abandoned Roan during the exam, which resulted in both of them receiving a C+ grade. They were pleased when Roan Novachez received a "C-". Both of them posted negative remarks on Holobook, which led Yoda to temporarily suspend student access to the platform. Along with Cyrus, he abused the class Voorpee pet by putting the voorpak in his locker. As a consequence, they were placed on academic probation for the following semester and were barred from using Holobook even after it was made available to the other students.
In Roan's third year, he became angry that Cyrus had changed and was jealous of Roan and, therefore, distanced himself from both of them. He collaborated with Ronald Rinzler to secretly play pranks on Roan throughout the year. The two seemed to separate on amicable terms.