Cris Pieterson

Cris Pieterson was a Human male who found himself drafted into the ranks of the Galactic Empire. His training fell under the supervision of Ensign Colclazure. During the events of the Thrawn campaign in 9 ABY, Pieterson was stationed aboard the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Chimaera, serving under the command of Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn. A notable incident during this campaign involved Thrawn's attempt to ensnare Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his X-wing using one of the Chimaera's tractor beams. However, Skywalker managed to destroy the specific tractor beam projector operated by Pieterson. Pieterson's excuse was that he lacked training for such a scenario, and Skywalker escaped. Thrawn then engaged Pieterson in conversation, during which Pieterson tried to deflect responsibility onto Colclazure. Thrawn, displeased with Pieterson's lack of adaptability and his attempt to blame his commanding officer, instructed his Noghri bodyguard, Rukh, to decapitate Pieterson, resulting in his death.


Rukh beheads Pieterson

Cris Pieterson was a Human male who was forced into service for the Galactic Empire. He was trained by Ensign Colclazure to work as a tractor beam operator onboard the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera. The Chimaera was the flagship of Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn and his confederation. During the Thrawn campaign in 9 ABY, the Chimaera tried to capture Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. They pulled his T-65 X-wing starfighter out of hyperspace using an Interdictor Cruiser. After the starfighter came out of hyperspace, Pieterson used one of the Chimaera's tractor beams to lock onto the X-wing. However, Skywalker fired several proton torpedoes at the Chimaera. The Star Destroyer's tractor beam captured the torpedoes, pulling them into one of the tractor beam projectors. After the projector was destroyed, Skywalker flew his starfighter upwards and escaped into hyperspace.

Thrawn was not happy that the Jedi had escaped. He went to Pieterson's station and asked if Skywalker's escape was his fault. Pieterson claimed that his training did not prepare him to deal with the X-wing's actions. Colclazure told Thrawn that Pieterson's training included scenarios similar to Skywalker's escape. Thrawn then explained the difference between an error and a mistake to Colclazure. He said that an error only becomes a mistake when someone refuses to fix it. After that, he ordered his Noghri bodyguard Rukh to behead Pieterson. Once the tractor beam operator was dead, the Grand Admiral told Pieterson's commander that his error had been corrected, and instructed him to find someone to replace the dead conscript.

Personality and traits

When he made a mistake, the tractor beam operator was quick to blame his teacher and commander. Pieterson had black eyes and a light complexion.


Pieterson wore a black uniform and a black protective helmet that were standard for Imperial Navy troopers.

Behind the scenes

Cris Pieterson's first appearance was in Timothy Zahn's 1991 book, Heir to the Empire. It was the first book in the Thrawn Trilogy. Pieterson was later shown in the third issue of the Dark Horse Comics comic-book adaptation of the novel. The comic was written by Mike Baron, drawn by Olivier Vatine and Fred Blanchard, and colored by Isabelle Rabarot. Pieterson was named after a fan, Chris Peterson, who won a charity auction that allowed him to be a character in Zahn's next book. Brian Colclazure, another winner, had his name used for Ensign Colclazure. He also got to decide whether Peterson's character would die.

