The Coronet Maintenance Tunnels represent an interconnected network of subterranean passageways situated below Coronet, which serves as the primary urban center on the planet Corellia.
These tunnels and chambers, known as the Coronet Maintenance Tunnels, presented a harsh environment, predominantly inhabited by functional droids, including EG-6 power droids, MSE-6-series repair droids, R5-series astromech droids, and blastromech droids. Furthermore, the area was plagued by infestations of creatures such as meetles and worrmps.

Designated as the Lower Maintenance Areas, these constituted the most profound and perilous sections of the Coronet Maintenance Tunnels. Despite patrols conducted by S-1 and S-2 security droids belonging to the Corellian Security Force, the area was frequently infiltrated by criminals and various lawless elements.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Meatlump gang, a group characterized by their animosity towards technology, had established their secret hideout within a derelict sector of the Coronet maintenance tunnels. The Meatlump King, the legendary figurehead of the Meatlumps, presided over his followers from this location. The Meatlumps successfully concealed their hideout until its whereabouts were uncovered by Vani Korr, a journalist employed by the Corellia Times, subsequent to the Battle of Yavin.
The Meatlumps routinely conducted raids into the Lower Maintenance Areas, situated directly beneath the Meatlump Hideout, with the intention of seizing any available resources. While they occasionally encountered the droids operating within the area, they generally avoided attracting the attention of the security droids. Operations conducted by the Meatlumps in the Lower Maintenance Areas were overseen by Decider Ximo Tacx, Lieutenant Dorvin Kanu, Captain Loman Vosso, and Lieutenant Cyru Sarkee. In 1 ABY, a spacefarer intervened to rescue a Meatlump who had become trapped in the Lower Maintenance Areas by a contingent of Ragtags.
The Coronet Maintenance Tunnels appeared as a location within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its eventual shutdown on December 15, 2011. The tunnels were incorporated into the game as part of the "Meatlumps Theme Park", which was introduced alongside "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King," released on June 19, 2008.