Cooper Dray

Once a celebrated swoop racer, Cooper Dray saw his star fade and became the leader of a swoop gang known as Cooper's Swoopers. He operated on the planet of Bescane.


Early life

In his younger years, Dray possessed exceptional talent as a swoop racer, garnering a significant fanbase. However, his streak of victories eventually ended, resulting in a sharp decline in his popularity. He eventually made his home on Bescane, a planet with a strong swoop racing culture, where many residents still remembered him fondly. Dray would later establish a swoop gang, which he called Cooper's Swoopers, using his own name. Although increasingly viewed as a has-been, a Rebel operative reached out to him, attempting to persuade him to join the Alliance and leave Bescane. Before Dray could decide, Galentro Heavy Works marshals, loyal to the Galactic Empire, murdered the Rebel. Appalled by this act, Dray resolved to join the Alliance, but to operate covertly within Bescane. His swoop gang began conducting guerilla attacks on the corporation and the Imperials, supporting the Rebellion. To mask his true allegiance, Dray pretended to be a common criminal, only revealing his dedication to the Rebellion to his trusted companions. Operating within the underworld, he developed a friendship with the well-known counterfeiter, "Lucky" Ordomire.

Operation Death-Hunter

Dray became involved in Operation Death-Hunter when he noticed the disappearances of Humans aged 15 to 25 from the planet. Unbeknownst to Dray and the Rebellion, the Empire intended to use these Humans as templates for Death-Hunter Cyborgs. Lady Amber Comark, a Rebel spy who had traced the project's funding from the Core Worlds, contacted Dray to inform him about the Death-Hunter project. They met in the Arcade Omicron cantina, where they were later joined by Rebel SpecOps agents. As Dray and the Rebels discussed the Empire's motives for kidnapping young Humans, they were ambushed by corporation marshals. Cooper, his gang, and the Rebels fled the cantina, but were pursued by speeder bikes and a flitter. The flitter opened fire on Dray's swoop, causing him to crash into the street. Rendered unconscious, he was captured by the flitter and handed over to the Empire.

Being just within the age range sought by the Empire, Dray was taken to Zeta Zero Nine in the Wastes. He was transported to the underwater base on the planet and placed in a stasis booth to await his transformation into a Death Hunter cyborg. Within the base's detention center, Dray was placed on a medical table and subjected to a series of painful tests by a medical droid and several medical technicians. These tests were conducted to ensure Dray's survival during the transformation, but caused significant physical distress to the former swoop racer. Before the final cyborg conversion could take place, Rebel agents infiltrated the base, determined to rescue Dray from his impending fate. In rapid succession, Lady Comark freed several other Imperial prisoners, sparking a revolt within the detention center. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Dray was rescued from the med techs and escorted as they made their way to the base's docking bay. The group seized a torpedo attack carrier and escaped back to the Rebel starship. As they departed the facility, Dray suggested that the Rebels launch a concussion missile strike on the base. The Rebels complied, resulting in the destruction of the Imperial base. The group then left the world in the Rebel ship and returned to their Rebel base.

Personality and traits

Dray was a skilled swoop racer, but lacked the ability to sustain a long-term career at the highest levels. He enjoyed being the center of attention, and disappointed by his declining popularity, he chose to settle on a planet where his racing career was still appreciated. His desire for recognition led him to establish his own swoop gang, which he named after himself, Cooper's Swoopers. Cooper's reputation was such that a Rebel agent contacted him, seeking to recruit him to the fight against the Empire and leave Bescane. Following the Rebel's death, he became more concerned for the well-being of those around him, working to undermine the Empire and support Bescane's marginalized citizens. This role made him somewhat cautious, and he was hesitant to reveal his allegiance to the Rebellion, remaining evasive even with fellow Rebel agents.

