The tenth episode of the animated television program Star Wars: The Bad Batch is entitled "Common Ground". It was made available on July 2, 2021.
Raxus Secundus, which formerly served as the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, is now occupied by the Galactic Empire. Captain Bragg, an Imperial officer involved in overseeing the occupation, addresses a group of citizens gathered in Raxulon's plaza, the capital city. She declares that the Empire is not their adversary and will treat all former Confederacy planets justly in exchange for their allegiance. This loyalty, however, has not been offered. Also present is former Raxus senator Avi Singh, who confides in the RA-7 protocol droid GS-8 that he cannot proceed with the plan. GS-8 responds that this is his sole option and cautions that he risks arrest, similar to other senators, if he refuses to cooperate. Captain Bragg then announces a mandatory curfew due to an increase in incursions, asserting that Senator Singh has approved these measures.
As the crowd voices its discontent, Bragg calls upon Senator Singh to publicly endorse the Empire. Singh instructs GS-8 to heed his commands should anything occur. Addressing the applauding crowd, Singh urges his fellow citizens to accept the new Imperial laws, promising that Raxus will prosper once again. However, after struggling with his conscience, Singh instead makes a public declaration that he can no longer support the Imperial occupation of Raxus, stating that the Empire seeks to intimidate and frighten them.
Incensed by Singh's defiance, Bragg orders his arrest and commands the Imperial troops, along with several AT-TE walkers, to advance into the plaza. As the Imperial forces disperse the crowd, GS-8 manages to escape the palace amidst the chaos and contacts Cid, as instructed by Singh before his arrest, informing her of the situation and requesting assistance.
On Ord Mantell, Omega enjoys Mantell Mix with Wrecker and asks when their next assignment will take place. Tech reminds her that two bounty hunters are tracking her and suggests that maintaining a low profile is advisable. Hunter concurs, pointing out the heightened scrutiny on the group. Wrecker counters that such pressure has not deterred them previously, but Hunter contends that Omega has experienced considerable stress and requires a respite.
Upon entering Cid's Parlor, Scaleback assigns them a mission to rescue Singh from imprisonment on Raxus. Hunter initially protests due to Singh's past affiliation with the Separatists, but Scaleback reminds them that their debt remains unpaid. Hunter argues that bringing Omega to Raxus is excessively risky given the extensive Imperial presence there. Scaleback offers to care for Omega while the rest of the Bad Batch undertakes the mission. Despite his reservations about Scaleback, Hunter reluctantly agrees to leave Omega at the parlor.
Omega expresses her desire to participate, asserting her role as a member of the team. Hunter responds that following instructions should not be a challenge. He instructs her to remain close to Scaleback and not to leave the parlor. As the rest of the squad departs, Scaleback assigns Omega janitorial duties, including scrubbing.
Aboard the Marauder, the squad journeys to Raxus through hyperspace, intending to land outside the capital city. Wrecker remarks that they have never visited Raxus before. Tech clarifies that Scaleback's coordinates direct them to land outside Raxulon, the capital city and home of their senator. Echo voices his disapproval of assisting a Separatist senator, a sentiment Tech notes he has repeatedly expressed. Hunter states that he had not envisioned traveling to Raxus under these circumstances.
The Marauder descends into Raxus' atmosphere. While navigating through the clouds, they are intercepted by two Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters who inform them that they are entering restricted airspace. When the fighters demand clearance codes, Hunter instructs Tech to transmit the codes provided by Scaleback. Echo reminds Hunter that their client is a Separatist and questions the trustworthiness of the situation. Although the clearance code proves valid, Echo remains skeptical. The Clones pilot their ship over a red forest and land in a forest clearing.
After disembarking, Tech points out that their code was effective and that their client's Separatist affiliation is irrelevant. Echo dissents, but Hunter urges them to disregard politics and focus on completing their task. The Bad Batch soon encounters GS-8, who informs them that her master, Senator Singh, was arrested for speaking out against the "unjust" occupation. Hunter dismisses her concerns and insists on proceeding with the mission. GS-8 then leads the squad.
Back on Ord Mantell, Cid notices Omega's sullen mood and tells her that she is affecting the atmosphere of her parlor. Omega apologizes. Cid inquires about the problem, and Omega explains that she has not received any updates from her friends, wondering if they are safe. Cid replies that the Clones better be safe for the amount of credits she is getting paid. Omega wishes she could accompany them and expresses her frustration. Cid retorts that life is unfair and suggests that Omega should take action. She implies that if Omega were not so helpless, the Bad Batch would not have left her behind.
While the Ithorian Bolo and Weequay Ketch converse at a table, Omega walks away. Scaleback asks what they are observing. Omega, sounding hurt, tells Scaleback that she is not helpless. Scaleback explains that she promised Hunter to watch over her and ensure her safety. Omega asks for how much, and Scaleback replies that it is not enough as she walks away.
Meanwhile, an AT-TE proceeds through the streets of Raxulon as Imperial clone troopers stand guard outside Avi Singh's residence. Using his macrobinoculars, Tech identifies six exterior guards and detects multiple heat signatures inside, including four in the subterranean level. Echo and Wrecker express their suspicion of GS-8, accusing her of leading them into a trap. Hunter asserts his authority and instructs them to disable the compound's surveillance system.
As they move into position, Hunter eliminates a clone trooper. Hunter then dispatches GS-8 as a diversion. She orders the clone troopers to vacate her master's residence. As they approach her, she leads them into a corner where the Bad Batch neutralizes the sentries. GS-8 opens a grill gate door, granting the clones access to the compound. Once inside, Tech infiltrates the security system, enabling the Bad Batch to monitor the Imperial patrols outside the compound.
Hunter directs Wrecker and Echo to clear the upper levels while he and Tech address the main floor and below. Hunter instructs GS-8 to accompany them. Inside, Wrecker and Echo stun a pair of clone troopers. Meanwhile, Hunter and his team spot two guards in the corridor with four nearby. Hunter says he will handle them and mistakenly tells Tech and Omega to look back around. Tech reminds Hunter that Omega is not on the mission. GS-8 decides to distract the guards by pretending to be lost.
As the guards confront her, Hunter stuns them with stun grenades. A third clone trooper enters through the door, and Hunter engages him in combat, inadvertently knocking over a vase. GS-8 narrowly prevents a second vase from being destroyed and cautions the Clones to exercise caution. She explains that the vase is a priceless relic presented to Senator Singh in recognition of his years of service. Hunter grumbles.
Concurrently on Ord Mantell, Bolo and Ketch engage in a game of dejarik with Scaleback. The Ithorian appears to have the advantage, placing Scaleback in a difficult position. Omega advises Scaleback against a particular move. Scaleback disregards Omega's advice and positions her K'lor'slug behind her Mantellian Savrip. Bolo's Kintan strider eliminates Scaleback's K'lor'slug. Omega remarks that she had warned her.
Scaleback asks Omega for her next move. Omega employs the Mantellian Savrip to defeat the Kintan strider and the monnok, shifting the advantage to Scaleback. Bolo expresses his anger towards his Weequay colleague, while Ketch points out that he was the one who wagered everything. As the two depart to settle their dispute outside, Scaleback asks Omega how she acquired her knowledge of the game, saying that Dejarik is a strategy game and that she is good at strategy. Scaleback wonders if Omega is skilled enough to win a few matches for money. Omega asks what her share would be. Scaleback offers 30%, but Omega proposes 60%. Scaleback contemplates thoughtfully.
Returning to Senator Singh's residence, Captain Bragg and clone troopers bring an IT-O interrogation unit into the lounge, which has been repurposed into an interrogation chamber. Bragg accuses Singh of defying Imperial law and openly inciting civil discord while pouring wine into glasses. She reminds the Senator that they had an agreement. Singh refuses to be an Imperial puppet, asserting that his loyalty lies with the people, not the Empire.
Bragg dismisses Singh's "unwise" choice and declares that they will extract the information they need from him. Singh remains defiant, stating that their draconian tactics will not work on him. Undeterred, Bragg orders the IT-O droid to move into position. Before the droid can inject Singh, someone throws a smoke grenade into the room, blinding the Imperials, who are then stunned. The IT-O droid is also stunned. At that moment, Hunter and Tech enter the room with GS-8, who informs her master that she has followed his instructions meticulously.
Singh expresses his gratitude to GS-8, who adds that she has safeguarded his most prized vase. Hunter inquires about their escape route. Singh offers to assist his rescuers, but Tech warns them that an alert has been triggered. Through a datapad that has accessed the residence's surveillance system, Tech realizes that their position has been compromised. Singh and GS-8 accompany the clones to a balcony, where they are joined by Echo and Wrecker.
Spotting an approaching AT-TE walker, Hunter suggests that they commandeer it and blast their way out of Raxulon. GS-8 asks how their plan would work. Just then, Wrecker uses his DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System to fire a grappling cable to land on the AT-TE walker. Tech stuns the gunners and crew with a stun grenade. Wrecker evacuates Senator Singh, while Echo evacuates GS-8, who compliments him. Tech takes control of the AT-TE walker, while Wrecker throws the unconscious crew out.
Captain Bragg realizes that the Bad Batch has commandeered an AT-TE walker and orders that they be stopped. A second AT-TE walker is dispatched after the Bad Batch, managing to hit the Bad Batch's rear axial stabilizer. Tech warns they have to recalibrate manually. Hunter tells him to get the tank running while he and the others hold off the Imperials. Hunter and Wrecker manage to stun several clone troopers while Wrecker grabs the walker's cannon, redirecting its blast away from the hijacked walker. Wrecker and Hunter use a stun grenade to stun the crew.
However, more clone troopers and a third AT-TE walker arrive. The Bad Batch are soon surrounded by clone troopers, who order them to surrender. GS-8 enters the fight and knocks out one with the vase, allowing Tech and his comrades to stun the rest. Senator Singh admits he never much cared for that vase. With their repairs complete, the Bad Batch escaped in their hijacked walker. Singh advises the clones to bring their hijacked walker down a certain alleyway. Tech warns they will be trapped, but Singh tells them to trust him.
The pursuing Imperial walkers follow the hijacked AT-TE walker into the alleyway. Singh tells them to move into position near that wall, since it leads to a subterranean passage. The Clones bring their walker to kneel. Under Singh's guidance, Wrecker blows a hole in the wall with a grenade. The Imperials blast the runaway walker while the Clones, Singh, and GS-8 flee underground. Meanwhile, the Imperials find the walker empty.
Singh, GS-8, and the Bad Batch find their way back to the Marauder in the forest clearing. Before boarding the ship, Singh asks GS-8 what he is doing. Singh doesn't want to abandon his people and wishes to help them. GS-8 says he will help them if he is not in Imperial custody. Echo agrees with GS-8 and counsels Singh to live to fight another day. The Bad Batch departs the forests of Raxus and flies into space.
Back on Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch discovers speeders parked outside Cid's parlor. Inside, they find several patrons including a Gotal, Bolo, and Ketch gathered around a table as Omega plays dejarik against a Pantoran. The Pantoran's Kintan strider knocks out Omega's K'lor'slug. However, Omega with Scaleback's support uses her monnok to take out the Pantoran's Kintan strider and Mantellian Savrip, winning the match. The Pantoran looks with dismay before walking away.
As the crowd cheers, Omega spots the Bad Batch and runs over to Wrecker. Wrecker asks where she learned to do that. Scaleback remarks that Omega is a natural strategist. Hunter says that he told her to keep a low profile but that this is the opposite. Scaleback tells him to cheer up because Omega made enough money to help them pay off the debt that they owe her. Scaleback praises Omega before turning her attention to Senator Singh's payment.
Later, Hunter asks why Omega paid off their debt. Omega says that she wanted to be useful even though she could not go on the mission. Hunter asks if Omega is interested in putting her strategy skills to the test. He proposes one match with the promise that if she wins, she doesn't have to sit out on missions. Omega accepts the challenge. Hunter asks if she is ready, prompting Omega to ask if he is ready. The two sit down for a game of dejarik.