Comet Squadron, also known as Comet Group, was a squadron of starfighters that fought for the New Republic Defense Force in the early years of the New Republic. Colonel Edor Crespin commanded this squadron that utilized A-wing interceptors. Before 7 ABY, Garik "Face" Loran, a former Imperial holovid celebrity, joined the unit after acquiring his own A-wing, but only participated in two missions. Before assuming command of the fighter training base on Folor around 7 ABY, Crespin was promoted to general while still in charge of the squadron.
Comet Squadron, also known as Comet Group, was a squadron of A-wing starfighters that served within the New Republic Defense Force. Colonel Edor Crespin was in charge of the squadron during the initial years of the New Republic.
Garik "Face" Loran, previously a star in Imperial holovids, became a member of Comet Squadron by purchasing his own A-wing sometime before 7 ABY. Before being compelled to eject from his starfighter during an operation to evade a proton torpedo, Loran participated in two Comet Squadron missions. Loran subsequently departed the squadron and obtained an X-wing.
While leading Comet Squadron, Crespin advanced to the rank of general. Around 7 ABY, General Crespin was given command of the fighter training base located on Folor, a moon orbiting the planet Commenor, and he personally oversaw the base's two A-wing training squadrons.
The pilots of Comet Squadron utilized RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, recognized as the New Republic's fastest starfighter.
The X-Wing series' fifth novel, Wraith Squadron by Aaron Allston, released in February of 1998, first mentioned Comet Squadron under the name "Comet Group." Later, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia from 2008 included an entry for it, and it was also mentioned in Garik Loran's entry. Both of these sources referred to the unit as "Comet Squadron."