The Cobral Hideout was a heavily defended underground installation situated not far to the south of the city of Restuss. It was located on the swamp moon of Rori, which itself orbited the planet Naboo. This occurred during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
By the Battle of Yavin, this base served as the central headquarters for the Neo-Cobral space pirates. This group consisted of smugglers and black market dealers who had previously held control over the planet Frego. The Neo-Cobrals managed to acquire the fortress by creating forged Imperial documents.

In the year 1 ABY, a commoner residing in Narmle sought to enlist adventurers for an assault on the Cobral Hideout. The goal was to eliminate the Cobral Overlord, who aimed to dominate the moon.
During that same year, Jabba the Hutt dispatched an assassin to eliminate the lead scientist at the Kahmurra Biogenetic Research Station on Talus. However, the assassin's mission failed, resulting in their capture. Subsequently, Jabba's lieutenant, Yondalla, hired a spacer to retrieve a CorSec prisoner transfer document from the Kahmurra Biogenetic Research Station.
The Cobral Hideout was featured as a location within the 2003 Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This was before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011.