Cmaoli Di

Cmaoli Di was a space-based entity that could be found in the Grumani sector, which itself was part of the Outer Rim Territories. Its location was defined by the coordinates M-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid.

Behind the scenes

Within established Star Wars canon, Cmaoli Di was depicted on a navigational chart in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, specifically issue number six of the comic series from 2023. This issue was penned by Daniel José Older, visually brought to life by Harvey Tolibao, and released by Dark Horse Comics on May 29, 2024, marking its contribution to Phase III of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic project. Conversely, in the realm of Star Wars Legends, the planet Cmaoli Di initially surfaced in "Galaxywide NewsNets," a piece by Paul Sudlow featured in issue 12 of Star Wars Adventure Journal, a publication by West End Games that saw release in February of 1997.

