Cloudships represented a type of starship that the Nihil marauder group employed. During a raid targeting Elphrona, Cloud Ultident Margrona made use of a pair of Cloudships; one met its end at the hands of Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm. Although damaged, the second Cloudship managed to flee, with Ottoh and Ronn Blythe, both prisoners, onboard. Ronn was saved by Jedi Indeera Stokes, while Greatstorm boarded the crippled Cloudship to save Ottoh. Lourna Dee, the Nihil Tempest Runner, then appeared on the Cloudship and abducted both Greatstorm and Blythe. At the Battle of Kur, several Cloudships fought against the Galactic Republic, but they were readily obliterated upon impact.