
Chyron, an Expansion Region celestial body, was located within grid square J-16 of the Standard Galactic Grid. It was positioned along the Great Gran Run hyperspace route, providing a link to both the astronomical object Noe'ha'on and the Takodana system found in the Mid Rim Territories. The Battle of Chyron Belt shares its designation with Chyron.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Chyron occurred in a galaxy map that was initially produced for the reference book Star Wars: Timelines. This map was distributed as a promotional poster at Celebration Anaheim on May 27, 2022. This distribution preceded the book's official release, which took place during Celebration Europe from April 7 to 10, 2023.


  • Star Wars Galaxy Map (Initial Mention)
  • SWCA 2022: 7 Things We Learned from the Lucasfilm Publishing Behind the Page Panel on (backup link)
  • Star Wars: Complete Locations, New Edition

Notes and references
